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Not proofread lol

"Good night, hyung," Jisung called after Changbin. He received a goodnight in return before he closed his room's door. A sigh escape the warlock as he stretched his sore shoulders. he definitely needed to work on his posture otherwise he would have back pains like an old man before the turned twenty.

The warlock wanted to head straight to bed when he noticed an white envelope on his pillow. His furrowed as he approached his bed and picked up the envelope and turned it, searching for a name or address. The only thing written on it was his name. Was it a prank from Seungmin? Had the redhead learned another new spell?

Either way, curiosity got the better of Jisung and he carefully tore the envelope open. Nothing happened, luckily, but there was a piece of paper there as one would expect. There was no residue of magic on the paper or envelope, so it hadn't been enchanted. Maybe it was manually brought here by someone? But only Stray Kids, Byungho and Changbin's vampire hyungs had access to the apartment. With Changbin being the new king and Jisung official vampire royalty, they had to obey some security rules.

The longer Jisung stared at the piece of paper the more curious he got, so he threw causation out the window and told himself it was just a piece of paper. On the paper was a handwritten message directed at Jisung.

"Dear Jisung," it read, "I hope this letter finds you in good health. How are your friends doing? I hope they are well too. A talented bunch, truly. Two potential clan leaders, the son of a hero, a kitsune, a siren, a demon, an angel-demon mixed blood, a king and you, of course. You may frown now and try to figure out who wrote this, but I think you already know."

Jisung furrowed at the cryptic message, a bad feeling settling in his stomach, but he continued to read: "I wrote this letter to you not as a threat, but an explanation, an advise if you will. I wanted pure equality, a perfect power balance and for that to happen the powerful had to go. I realized that after years of suffering underneath the powerful. First your grandfather, then your father, then the vampires and in the end Reinhard. Still, vampires are the worst breed of creatures, so be careful with that new title of yours. After all, you are from my blood."

A shudder ran down Jisung's back and he wanted to throw the piece of paper away then and there, but he had to know what she would explain, advise. What did she know? So the continued: "You, my dear, made me realize that maybe my attempt to achieve my goal was too harsh, too reckless and maybe even too brutal. You need to cut down the strong and raise the weak to achieve balance, but before I even attempt to do that I will leave things to you and your friends. You may want to observe the humans closely. Not everyone will welcome the 'freaks of nature' with open arms and they may even be worse than the hunters, because while the hunters kill and destroy, others might capture and experiment. If we already talk about experiments, you may look up your grandpa, Han Yong, though, as far as I recall he preferred the name 'Ankou'. Have fun with your research and maybe soon realization."

That was the end of the letter, though, Jisung was barely able to read it as his hands shook. A trembling breath left his lips. Zendala had been in his room, in Atlantis. Otherwise, she couldn't have left a letter with no magic residue. She knew where Jisung was living, where he was sleeping. And the worst thing was that she had managed to worm her way past every of Atlantis' defenses. Every single one. To the gods he hoped she had used a one-way spell.

Without giving this anymore thought, Jisung bolted out of the room yelling for Changbin.

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