Chapter 27: Christmas Eve

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Felix jumped around in the living room, helping his mother, who had come back home along with his father for the holidays, prepare everything for Christmas Eve. A big smile was plastered on the ginger's face, when he hung some of the Christmas decorations onto the pine-tree, his parents had brought with them just a day prior.

"Felix, could you bring me the silver Christmas bauble from the box to your right?", Mrs. Lee asked her son, who answered with a cheery "Okay" and got his mother what she needed in less than a few seconds. His big smile never left his face. Mrs. Lee could only smile fondly at her son and ruffle his ginger hair lovingly when he brought her the sliver Christmas bauble with shining eyes.

The young cat hybrid lightly laughed, when his mother did that. He really had missed her and his father. Sure, the freedom he got, when they were away to lead their clan was nice and everything but being pampered like that was a little bit better.

"Do you think Minho-hyung and dad are finished with gift-wrapping the presents?", Felix asked his mother, when she hung the silver Christmas bauble onto the tree while humming a soft tune. "They would've come downstairs again, if they were, honey", she answered and continued to hum softly.

Felix mentally agreed with his mother and continued to looking in the boxes with the Christmas decorations. He was searching for a specific red and blue Christmas bauble with golden glitter on it. Minho and Felix had made it together, when they were little and it had become a family tradition to hang it on the Christmas tree. The making this Christmas bauble was also one of Felix's earliest childhood memories and one he treasured dearly. Still, Felix was unable to find it in the boxes.

"What are you searching for, honey?", Mrs. Lee asked after a while and walked over to her younger son, who was still searching for the blue and red Christmas bauble in the many boxes scattered around the living room.

"I can't find the Christmas bauble Minho and I made, when we were little", the young cat hybrid answered with disappointment in his voice. He pouted a little bit and was close to giving him up his search.

His mother looked over his shoulder into the box. An amused purr erupted from her throat, letting Felix look up to her. "You are searching in the wrong place for it", she said, which earned her a confused look from her son. She went to the large drawer with the glass door, which was pushed to the wall next to the TV and opened it to get out a little brown box.

Felix watched his mother's rather elegant but still casual movements until she stood in front of him again and gave him the little box. The ginger opened the little box and let his smile widen a little bit when he saw the item he was searching for in it.

"Since when does it have its own little box?", he questioned his mother when he carefully took the Christmas bauble out of the box, letting the little metal hook wrap around his finger before he turned to hang it onto their Christmas tree.

"Since I found this little brown box, which seemed to be perfect for the Christmas bauble Minho and you made", Mrs. Lee chuckled while watching her son fix the position of the special Christmas bauble. Felix giggled and stepped away from the Christmas tree to get a better look at it. The lights they hung on the tree weren't on yet but even without the little glowing points did the Christmas tree look beautiful in its own unique way.

"I like him like this", Felix said while looking at the tree. His eyes were shining like the lights on the tree, if they were turned on. "He does look beautiful, honey", Mrs. Lee lightly purred and pressed a short kiss on the side of Felix's head. The ginger couldn't help but lightly giggle at that.

It may sound strange to someone, who had no clue about a cat hybrid's behavior but Felix loved to hear his mother purr lightly in the presence of her family. It made the young male feel loved and protected. Maybe that was because when he was a little child he used to fall a sleep quickly, when he had his head on his mother's chest while she lightly purred or hummed. The soft vibration of his mother's chest and listening her heart beat was something that had always calmed Felix down and made him feel sleepy and content. His father had always described this sight as absolutely endearing and had made a lot of pictures when he had had a camera at hand, which was why there were a dozen photographs of Felix sleeping with his head on his mother's chest.

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