Chapter 41: Investigation and Voices

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Nowadays the Kim brothers spend a lot of time together since they all were locked up in their own home. It brought them to the point where they would naturally just meet in one of their rooms, training together or doing something else or just talk and joke with each other for hours. Today was a little bit different though because while they were gathered in Seungmin's room Wonpil got a call from Dowoon. At first it was nothing unusual but then the vampire frantically and loudly told the older demon that Changbin and Jisung just ditched town to investigate one of Jisung's vision all on their own instead of traveling to Transylvania like planed.

Of course Seungmin being his attentive and curious self had listened to the conversation of his oldest brother and Dowoon, which caused the redhead to almost freak out and now he tried to think of a way to help his two friends or at least keep them from getting hurt. The thing they did was dangerous, especially in a time where the supernaturals were more or less exposed to the human eye.

"Seungmin please stop pacing. It's making everyone here nervous", Byungho spoke up, watching how his younger half brother walked his room up and down like he was possessed. He was obviously worried about Seungmin and the redhead appreciated that but he needed to make sure Changbin and Jisung were safe.

"Byungho, let him be. He won't stop. Not until he got an good idea or solution", Wonpil, who was seated in an armchair near the window commented. Seungmin barely noticed his oldest brother's comment but he knew that Wonpil was the one, who understood him the best.

"Why does he even have to think about an idea or solution?", Samuel asked innocently from his place on Seungmin's bed. His eyes followed Seungmin worriedly but he didn't know how to help his brother, so he had stayed silent.

"Because Changbin and Jisung probably brought themselves somehow into trouble", Wonpil answered with a sigh. "Scratch that "probably". I know they are in trouble, they are just that stupid", Seungmin retorted, ruffling his red hair harshly. Jisung had a tendency to run into trouble and Changbin was probably following along one of the warlock's plans. This could just end in a disaster.

Byungho stood up from his place on the foot of the redhead's bed, walked over to his still pacing brother and made him halt by standing in his way as well as pulling his hands out of his red hair. Seungmin's head snapped up to Byungho when the older took his wrists, making him let go of his red hair.

"Listen Seungmin, they probably know what they are doing. Unlike you, I don't think they are stupid and reckless. They can take care of themselves. There is no need for you to always protect them", the brunette said in a calm voice while looking at the redhead. Seungmin avoided the dark eyes of his older brother, not wanting to be calmed down by their warmth. He wanted to find a solution and be there for his friends but he couldn't.

"I hate being powerless. I hate being not useful to my friends", the young redhead mumbled. "Hey there. You can't be everywhere all the time. Besides, believe in them a little like Byungho", Woosu commented, getting up from his place behind Samuel to lay his hand on his slightly younger brother. He had a big smile on his face, trying to cheer up the redhead. Seungmin released a breath. Sometimes he truly didn't know what to do without his brothers.

"Alright, I will have a little bit of faith in my two idiots", the redhead said with a sigh. "Since when are they your idiots", Samuel asked in a teasing way with a smug grin on his face. The siren looked at Seungmin like he had just discovered the other's biggest secret. Seungmin had to bite back a very sarcastic remark.

"They are my idiots since I met them. Doesn't matter if they have a relationship or not", the redhead defended himself, getting his wrists out of Byungho's grip, so he could cross his arms over his chest.

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