Chapter 53: Information

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"I hate this plan so much", Yuta voiced his opinion without hesitation. He had crossed his arms over his chest while a light scowl was visible on his face. Even if he hadn't said, that he didn't like the plan you would have known just by looking at the warlock with the purple hair.

"We can't let the Dreamies take part in this plan. There is no guarantee we can keep them safe while going through with it", Yuta continued while glaring a bit at his leader, who sat on the opposite side of him. Taeyong only sighed looking at the magical map in the middle of the big round table before him, not meeting Yuta's eyes.

Taeyong had called in a meeting with some of the older NCT just one day after the battle at the Moon pack, so he could explain his plan to them. He had worked on the plan over the night along with Johnny. Meaning he wanted to hear the input of his group members but it did annoy him a bit that Yuta was immediately against the whole operation. He knew Yuta was a bit more protective over the younger members than the rest of NCT but the guardian hadn't expected the warlock to be against his idea this much. Especially because of Ten and Jaehyun.

Taeyong exhaled deeply and finally met Yuta's dark grey eyes, which stared straight at him. If the guardian wanted his plan to be an option he would need to convince Yuta but also the other members of NCT, which were gathered in the room.

"Listen, Yuta. I don't like the thought of dragging the Dreamies into this either but even if we receive all the help from our allied groups we still need them there. We need them and their abilities for the plan to work", the red-haired guardian explained. The warlock with the purple hair still looked displeased but he leaned back a little, seemingly willing to listen.

Sicheng, the blond male warlock with the purple eyes to Yuta's right, who was also known as WinWin, eyed his fellow warlock worriedly before looking back to Taeyong like he was reassuring himself that the two wouldn't start verbally fighting. Taeyong wasn't planning on fighting with Yuta but he would not back down either. They needed to at least try his plan.

"None of us like getting the Dreamies involved in this, because we all know they are too young to fight in a war, but they are trained to protect our world. You taught Renjun, YangYang and Jisung yourself, you saw them develop their skills and you know how good they became in the course of a year", Johnny spoke up beside Taeyong, immediately gaining everyone's attention, including Yuta's. The harpy seemed composed, sitting on his chair with a straight back and his hands folded on the table.

"They swore to protect our world just like we did when we became one of the four groups who protected the barrier. We just can't leave them out of this. They wouldn't want that either", the harpy concluded. Taeyong mentally thank Johnny for the help but also wondered how the harpy was able to seem so composed and attentive despite not having slept last night.

Taeyong's attention flickered back to Yuta when the warlock straightened his back, leaning forward a little bit. His dark grey eyes shimmered with a bit of irritation, which made Taeyong brace himself for a yelling Yuta.

"They still aren't experienced enough for operations like the one Taeyong-hyung is suggesting. Jisung is only 15 years old for the gods' sake and the rest of the Dreamies aren't much older. It needs only one little mistake and we would all die or end up as the hunters' prisoners just like most of the members of the Sky Clan along with the many vampires, who mysteriously disappeared after the attack on the royal vampire palace. We also shouldn't forget that they got Ten and Jaehyun, who were targeted by Zendala herself", the purple-haired warlock argued, being clearly sarcastic while saying "mysteriously disappeared" because everyone now knew those vampires were held captive and a certain part of them had been used for the war declaration of the hunters just yesterday.

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