Chapter 21: Minsung

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Byungho and Seungmin walked quietly beside each other. They had parted ways with Chan and Changbin pretty much after they left the Lee's house and right now didn't have much a conversation because sometimes it's better to walk quietly walk beside each other and not force a conversation. But maybe they should talk after all.

Seungmin was slightly chewing on his bottom lip. Something he did when he was deep in thought or when he was worried about something. Given today's events Byungho guessed that the redhead was probably overthinking, so he gently bumped his shoulder with his younger brother's to get his attention. Seungmin's head snapped to Byungho and he seemed somehow stressed, which was strange because he seemed relaxed some minutes ago.

"You seem to think about something", Byungho stated in a rather soft tone in hopes of getting the younger to talk. "Just some stupid, irrational thoughts", the redhead mumbled and turned his gaze back on the asphalt before his feet, avoiding to look into Byungho's concerned dark eyes.

"Want to talk about it?", the older kindly asked but Seungmin only shook his head. "They are stupid and irrational, like I already said but ...", he trailed off. "They still bother you?", Byungho more or less finished Seungmin's sentence. The redhead nodded again. "Maybe some of them are even reasonable but I know everything will be fine, so why worry about it, right?", Seungmin continued and you could hear the bit of insecurity in his voice.

Byungho felt like someone punched him hard on the chest when he heard the insecurity in Seungmin's voice. Normally the redhead was confident, determine to reach his goal, whatever that was and now he was an insecure teenage boy, who was now worried that people will fear him.

The brunette thought back to the moment where he had seen Seungmin surrounded by an red aura, which radiated an incredible heat, trying desperately to not let his true form show. Somehow Byungho was glad that Seungmin had managed to not let his horns and devil's tail show but it worried him that the redhead had lost a lot of magical energy just to let his secret be safe. Despite that Byungho didn't know how Seungmin had been brought to the point were he was fighting against himself to keep his secret safe. He had the suspicion that it was the vampire gang's fault but he didn't know for sure.

Byungho deeply exhaled, focusing on his little brother, who was still being his lips anxiously. He was still thinking about the incident and probably how it would affect his future in school. Byungho could understand why. He didn't know what he would do if someone brought him to the point were he almost showed his black wings.

"I know this whole thing is incredibly scary", Byungho began, looking at his little brother. "But you know our friends, you know how they behaved today. They weren't scared or afraid despite not knowing what happened to you. They were just worried about your well-being, about you being hurt", Byungho tried to comfort Seungmin and it worked. The redhead looked at his older brother with the little glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"You told Jisung about almost everything regarding you and he didn't turn away from you did he? He is still your best friend and I even think helped you out a lot today", Byungho went on, remembering that the reason they went after Seungmin was because Jisung had reacted to him running after Changbin almost anxiously, which ultimately let to the whole group following them, even though they should have done it a lot sooner.

"You are right, hyung. Thanks", the redhead said with a bit more confidence and showed one of his adorable smiles. Byungho also showed a smile and ruffled his brother's red hair.

Just in this moment a little part of Byungho wished he could show his closest friends, who he really was, what he really was but the bigger part knew that it wasn't going to end well. Who would accept an angel tainted by demonic blood, when even the angels up in heaven didn't?

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