Chapter 78: Changjinmin

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Being surrounded by darkness while your head hurt like someone drove over it with a truck, was bad enough, but Seungmin swore he could hear someone whisper to him too. The young demon had no clue where he was and how he was supposed to get out of there. He couldn't see, hear or feel anything. It was like he was just floating in some void without knowing up from down or left from right.

The whispering voice was so faint he couldn't understand one word they said, but he was pretty sure he didn't know the owner of the voice. Still, a part of Seungmin hoped whoever was whispering to him wanted to guide him out of this void of darkness.

"What even happened before I got here?", Seungmin thought to himself, trying to remember what had caused all this. The more he tried to remember, the worse his headache became. He couldn't even shake his head or get his hand up to massage his temples. It was like he was just frozen in place.

The whispering got a bit louder after he gave up on trying to make sense of this situation. It was loud enough for Seungmin to realize that there were two voices that whispered to him. They were verbally fighting against each other, trying to be louder than the other one while remaining on the same volume. It made them blend together like one sound, which was weird.

Suddenly Seungmin could feel a faint touch on his head. It was warm and welcoming, but gone before the demon would properly register it. The redhead wanted to look around and try to identify where the warm but faint touch went, but the only thing he saw was complete darkness.

"I swear if this is some kind of moral compass thing, I will find a way to get rid of the whole thing", Seungmin mentally grumbled to himself. Slowly one of the whispering voices got louder, seemingly encouraging the young demon to do whatever he wanted, but it was closely followed by the other voice, who seemingly wanted to prevent Seungmin from getting rid of his moral compass.

Somehow the second voice reminded Seungmin of Eve. Even though it obviously wasn't the angel's voice - nor could the redhead say it was female - but it spoke in a calmer, kinder tone than the other.

Before Seungmin could continue to think about those whispering voices, which he somehow had the feeling to understand without being able to hear their words, he felt another warm touch on his head. This time it was a bit higher up like someone had brushed past the spot where his horns should be. The feeling of warmth lingered a bit longer and Seungmin did everything in his power to concentrate on it, but again it vanished like it was never there.

The redhead cursed to himself. He just wanted to get out of this darkness and move again. Was it too much to ask? Seungmin wanted to groan in frustration of not having some sort of solution for this, but not one sound escaped his mouth. Great, so he could hear the two voices whisper and occasionally feel the warmth of someone's touch, but he could neither see nor move and to top that wasn't able to produce a single sound.

"At least I can still hear my own thoughts", Seungmin huffed to himself. With nothing else to do, Seungmin focused on the two whispering voices that continued to argue without letting the redhead know what they were saying. The young demon was slowly losing his patience, but then he felt someone touch his shoulder. This time he could clearly feel that someone had laid their hand onto his shoulder, letting it linger there.

The warmth of the unknown person's hand seemed to be absorbed by Seungmin's body like he had been in the cold for years. Seungmin focused on the warm hand on his shoulder, not wanting to stay in this darkness any longer.

"Please just get me out of here", the redhead mumbled, not being sure if his lips even moved or not. Slowly the whispering voices became quieter and quieter until Seungmin couldn't hear them anymore. His headache became endurable to point where the pain felt like a dull pulse in his head.

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