Chapter 75: Doubts

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The training was going well, as far as Jisung could tell. At first, the warlock had been nervous since Jimin decided to bring his two mates along with him without even mentioning it to Jisung beforehand.

Even though Jisung wouldn't admit it to anyone, he felt a little bit intimidated by Taehyung and Jungkook. Maybe because Jungkook had an unusual large wolf form despite him not being significantly tall as a person, or maybe because Taehyung occasionally looked at him with his ice blue tiger eyes, causing the young warlock to involuntary shiver. It made Jimin being a fairy a true blessing. After all, as a non-shifter, the pink haired male couldn't transform into something scarier.

Together with Jungkook and Taehyung, Jimin and Jisung trained keeping the portals stable while someone was passing through in a hurry. At the beginning, Jisung thought it wouldn't make much of a difference, but it did and he was glad that they were training it.

When someone was running through a portal with full force, a part of the magic within the portal was ripped off if it was left unattended. This meant that Jisung's main task, as the magical creature who would stay back and make sure the portal remained stable, was to replace the pieces of magic that would be ripped off. This would surely become tiring over time, since it would require a lot of Jisung's magic, but the young warlock would be fine. At least he hoped that.

After a good three hours of Jungkook and Taehyung speeding through the portals in their animal forms, the four decided to take a break before they tried the same thing over a bigger distance. Jimin and Jisung needed to be able to create portals over a great distance, after all.

Jisung flopped onto the ground and leaned onto the wall. He didn't know he needed this break until Jimin suggested it. It was a really good thing that the fairy kept track of things like that. Jisung would have probably continued to train until his legs got wobbly from the extensive loss of magical energy.

"Hey Jisung, catch", someone called out to the young warlock. Jisung turned his head towards the voice and was barely able to catch the water bottle thrown at him. A little bewildered did the young warlock look at Woosu who had an apologetic smile on his face while he approached the male with the blue hair.

At first Jisung wanted to loudly complain and maybe tease the slightly older warlock, but a little bit of guilt made his chest feel heavy, so he just showed the other a smile. "Thank you for the water, hyung", Jisung thanked the other instead and then focused on the water bottle in his hands while Woosu sat down next to him.

"And how is your training going?", the white haired male asked, looking at Jisung with his dark eyes that were so oddly familiar to the blue haired warlock. It was a little strange how all five Kim brothers had the same dark eyes, but it was the only thing that made them look like they were related.

Jisung mentally sighed and focused more on the question of the slightly older male than comparing him to Seungmin or the other Kim brothers. In all honesty, Jisung didn't know much about Woosu, but still had the feeling he could casually talk to the other about anything.

"It's fine. Are you still training with Lee Minhyuk from MonstaX?", Jisung asked before taking a sip out of the water bottle. Woosu nodded and smiled a little bit. The smiles of the other warlock were wide and comparable to sunshine, which made him resemble Felix in some way. It was weird considering he was Seungmin's brother, but the other's smile were definitely contagious.

"Yes, Minhyuk-hyung have been paired up together, so I have been assigned to the MonstaX group. They should be here any minute, by the way. We did a little hall change with Got7 and I went ahead to see who was training here", Woosu explained while Jisung nodded along. It was kind of impressive that Woosu only recently joined the rescue mission and was already so well adjusted to everything.

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