Chapter 1: First day

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A world of supernatural beings is often a subject of books, TV series and movies but nobody could say with certainty that this mysterious world really existed and let's just say that always managed to amuse some people.

People like Lee Felix and Lee Minho. Why? Well, because they were actually supernatural beings. In fact their whole family consisted of cat hybrids like they were themselves. The two brothers often laid on the gigantic bed in Minho's bedroom and laughed their asses off because of the stupid human news that showed "new evidence" for the existence of supernatural beings. You could almost call it a hobby of them.

"Why are humans so stupid? Do they really think that random footprint proves anything?", Felix laughed breathlessly, commencing the "evidence" shown on the TV screen. Minho could only shake his head while he continued to laugh. After some minutes of laughter filling the room, the two brothers finally calmed themselves down from their laughing fit.

Felix inhaled deeply to get some air back into his lungs. "Those news are gonna kill me someday", he chuckled lightly and turned off the TV in order to not trigger another laughing fit. "Agreed but I guess that they will never stop doing this. Humans are curious with no end and obsessed with our world even though they have no clue it even exists for real", Minho agreed with an amused rolling of his eyes. Felix hummed in agreement but he really hoped the humans would stay clueless about the existence of supernatural beings because when a human would discover their world for real it wouldn't end well for both sides.

"Minho, Felix are you two already in bed or still watching something?", the two boys cat ears perked up when they heard their mother's voice ask this loudly from downstairs. The two brothers looked at each other for a second before Felix jumped up and ran to his room while Minho quickly got under the covers of his bed, pretending to be asleep. Felix did the same just in his room in hopes of fooling their parents.

The mother of the two boys, a female cat hybrid named Lee Eunji, came upstairs to check on the both of them not even a minute after the two boys were settled in their beds. She just saw that her two sons were "asleep" in their own beds. Satisfied with seeing her sons in their beds she walked the stairs back down to join her husband in the living room.

Minho's cat ears perked up when he was sure his mother was gone. He listened carefully if his mother was still near by, just in case. When he was sure the coast was clear he threw his covers to the side and sneaked out of his room and went to his brother. He entered Felix's room without knocking and closed the door very carefully behind him. After all he had his good cat ears from his mother.

"When are they gonna stop treating us like little children?", Felix whined lowly and sat up on his bed, pouting. "I mean I am seventeen and you are eighteen. You'd think they would treat us according to our age", he added while throwing the covers off himself. Minho just chuckled since his brother was still pouting like a toddler, making his argument not seem very convincing.

"When are we starting to stop behaving like we are ten years younger than we actually are?", the older of the two asked while having a little grin on his face. Felix thought for a second before he answered with "Never mind" and let himself fall back into his soft mattress. Minho chuckled and join his brother on the bed, sitting down onto it cross-legged. A comfortable silence fell over the two brothers. Felix stared at the ceiling while Minho had closed his eyes and listened to the wind that was brushing past the window.

"Hey Minho", Felix spoke up to get his brother's attention. The older reacted with a simple hum and opened his eyes to look at Felix, signaling that he was listening. "Do you think we will be okay tomorrow? I mean we are going to a new school, our parents will be gone for the whole year because they need to take care of their clan because they became the new leaders and we will be on our own", Felix worried as he sat up to look into his older brother's eyes. He felt kind of scared what tomorrow would bring to them and if they would be ready for it since they have never attended a school with all kinds of supernatural beings. They used to go to a school with only cat hybrids

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