Chapter 97: We are Stray Kids

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Not proofread lol

"Hyunjin, dodge!," Mark yelled. Hyunjin immediately dove down towards the ocean floor, narrowly dodging the blow Yukhei was aiming at him. The nymph missed the siren by a hair. He could feel the small waves created by the other's momentum pushing against his skin.

"Oh, that was a close one," Hyunjin sighed. Yukhei, who Hyunjin got more used to call Lucas, laughed heartily as he straightened his posture.

"Yeah, sorry. Didn't mean to back that much into the punch, but you do get faster and stronger quick when you train with a merman," Lucas chuckled, motion behind him were Jungwoo was still training with ONEUS's Keonhee, another merman. The movements of the two creatures were a lot faster and seemed a lot more brutal with their fish tails wiping around in hopes of getting a hit on the other.

"Well, the fish tails of mermen and mermaids are sheer muscles, so does it really surprise you that they are faster?," the voice of Jaemin chimed into the conversation. Hyunjin looked towards the naiad, who was approaching him and Lucas together with Mark.

In all honesty, it was weird to see Jaemin underwater. With the flowers, that were growing in his hair, being pulled back and forth by the current and his very human-like body structure trying to keep himself on one level with the other water creatures by kicking and moving his arms, he looked entirely out of place underwater despite his ability to breath here. Naiads were truly weird creatures, born to live on land, yet with the ability to survive underwater.

"Why are you such a nerd?," Lucas huffed in mild amusement. Jaemin scrunched up his nose in feigned annoyance and then turned to Mark, completely ignoring the nymph.

"So when does training end today? We were supposed to be let go early," Jaemin complained to the older siren. Mark slightly rolled his eyes.

"We will be let go when Woozi-hyung or Somin-noona say so," the siren answered, "And now we should get back to training before they notice us taking a break."

"Oh, come on," Jaemin whined, "We deserve a little break. You saved Hyunjin from getting punched in the face by Lucas-hyung."

"Not an excuse to suddenly stop," Mark retorted, "Except if you want to change partners. I would love to train with Hyunjin."

Jaemin's eyes widen slightly and he very quickly shook his head. "Oh, hell no. If he's too fast for a siren like Hyunjin, I will be knocked out cold in seconds," the naiad argued. Hyunjin suppressed a small chuckle, but a barely audible huff left his lips. 

"Hey, I don't punch that hard! That last one was an accident, alright?," Lucas defended himself, crossing his arms over his chest. He seemed to contemplate something before he slowly turned his head to Hyunjin. His eyes were big and apologetic just like the ones of a puppy who knew he did something bad.

"It really was an accident," he mumbled. It reminded Hyunjin a lot of a small kid. Funnily enough, Lucas was older than him by a year. Despite that, the siren knew how often Lucas tended to underestimate his own strength and speed. After all, he was the tallest amongst his peers and had inherited a naturally muscular build. He was bound to underestimate his strength, especially with his usual trainings partner being a merman, an underwater apex predator.

"I know, hyung. Don't worry," Hyunjin smiled sympathetically at the upset nymph and comfortingly patted the other's back. At that Lucas seemed encouraged and was ready to give Jaemin another piece of his mind, but was interrupted by someone approaching their small group.

Hyunjin gulped down the bit of nervousness that made itself known, as he watched Jeon Somin of KARD swim towards them. Like Lucas, Somin was a nymph. She was incredibly beautiful with her sharp facial features and piercing bronze eyes, but Hyunjin knew that behind such beauty hid an terrifying amount of strength. It wasn't strength of the physical kind, though, may the gods bless the soul who underestimated Somin in that regard, it was mental strength, that made her terrifying. Her manipulation skills were better than the ones of Mark and Hyunjin combined and they should be naturally persuasive as sirens.

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