1 | Dr. Phoenix

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It was a week before the new school year at Hogwarts starts. As usual, Diagon Alley's packed with new and returning students, along with their loving parents. Each shop were overflowing with customers, especially the Leaky Cauldron, as it served as a passageway between the muggle world and wizarding world. Lots of cheers and laughs from customers were heard.

One of the infamous Weasley twins, Fred Weasley came in with an aura that women couldn't just resist. He sat on a stool, farthest left of the bar.

"The usual for you, Mr. Weasley?" Hannah Abbott, a friend and old schoolmate of his, playfully asked.

"I'd be delighted." He replied with a smile. It was his turn to take his lunch break. George and their cashier were filling in for him.

Hannah nodded and walked her way to get his order, a fresh frozen butterbeer and bangers and mash. Fred looked around the pub, many memories rushed to his head. He'd remember the days the whole Weasley family, along with Harry and Hermione, would stay at the rooms on the second floor of the pub couple days before the school starts.

The butterbeer came quick compared to bangers and mash, Hannah had just placed the gigantic mug in front of Fred when her attention shifted to a lady who had just walked between Fred and an empty stool.

She had her back to Fred. She's wearing a white long sleeve round necked ribbed shirt, a black plaid tube skirt, and long sand stadium coat over it.

He couldn't see her face but he had a great feeling she's a beauty. So as a result, like the Weasley he is, he immediately flirted his way to get the lady's attention.

"Fancy a day to meet a lovely lady, wonder who I'd meet." he said, unashamedly and clearly addressing the lady beside him.

There was a trunk placed between him and her, helped him figured out that she's not from around here, or is she?

A lady with strawberry blonde hair, tan skin, and two toned rosy lips turned her head to see a dashing Fred. He was caught of guard as the lady had chuckled upon seeing him.

"Oh, you find my face humorous, think I can work with that." He exclaimed with full confidence. The lady completely turned her body, leaning on the bar's counter.

"It's nice to see you too, Freddie." sweet as honey, soft as cotton, the lady's voice were like music to his ears. And then it hit him. She was no foreign to the place at all.

His eyes widened with glee and excitement, "Phoenix?!" he exclaimed as he stood up, towering the lady. He took a clearer look. She was no foreign, she was a local, a very known lady, in fact. She was a friend, a family to the Weasleys.

She smiled, so warm that it made the pub even warmer than it already was. She nodded, answering to the ginger head's question.

"You're joking, right?" Fred asked, "Are you really Safeiarrah Phoenix? The Safeiarrah Phoenix?" he ended.

The lady giggled upon the attention Fred's giving her. "Yes, Fred. I am the Safeiarrah Phoenix. Safe for short." she winked at him, immediately melting his heart.

Safe was a long term best friend of the Weasley twins and has been close to the Weasley family. However, after the second wizarding war, they had no news or idea about wherever she had brought her wits with her.

She's known as the Weasley twins' personal healer and cleaner of their mischiefs back their Hogwarts days. Since their family was very close, Safe had known the Weasley family before she was even born.

The two friends embraced each other, a little more effort from Safe, tiptoeing to reach Fred's broad shoulders. It made her heart wild inside her chest.

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