40 | Better Apart

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⚠️WARNING: Alcohol consumption & ...⚠️

Horizon kissed the sun, sky blushed peach, withering rays from the giant star. The sound of the violin lingered through the guests that stood in front of their seats. A path made by palm sized sea shells guided the loving bride to the person she'd devote herself for the rest of her life.

Torri slowly walked down the dust aisle with a bright smile. Molly and Arthur on each of her sides. She looked up at the clouds that spread beautifully above. "Another win for me, Louis. Told you I'd get to walk down a sandy aisle." She whispered silently, bringing her sight back straight to her destination before tears could even threaten to form on her eyes.

"Nervous?" Harry asked Sky as they stood at the end of the path. He held his left wrist with his right hand, resting in front of him.

Sky chuckled and fidgeted with the third button of his suit. "Imagine that woman's the one you love and she's about to be your full responsibility... especially when you know how free she loves to be. The real fear of disappointing her at every single thing that you do, it starts now." He exclaimed quietly, giving Harry an awkward smile.

Harry gave him a pat on his shoulders. It did seem quite the fearful thing. He could never imagine how broken his father was when he realized that he wasn't able to save his wife. How afraid he is to lose Ginny during the war, and his fear of losing her every second was the bare minimum of what he imagined marrying her would be like.

Safe and Lee were on the farthest right of the altar. She played the violin as Lee complemented her music with his grand piano. Something they were known for since they're Hogwarts days.

The way that the bow glided on the strings as the wind continuously crashed on her body was so similar to the way the raging waves calmed after hugging the huge rocks surrounding the shore.

Fred's eyes were glued on her and never moved her out of his sight, not once to realize that he was somewhere else and not in his fantasy.

Memories flooded between the bride and the groom as their distance apart began to slowly close. There was no telling how things were from when they were younger but the love they had for each other... it was always there, kept inside a hidden box, forgotten in the back of their minds.


"Louis! You foul git! I was supposed to bring someone over today, but you just had to—" Torri halted her heavy steps as she saw a young lad, his brother's age, standing inside of Louis' room.

"Zoe!" She screamed on top of her lungs and the next second a house elf popped in front of her. Torri hid behind the elf, squatting down to keep herself hidden. "Who the bloody hell is that boy? And where is my brother? Did mum and dad finally kick that prat out?" She asked quietly, but not so quiet.

The boy laughed out loud, clutching his stomach as he attempted to catch his breath. Torri felt someone kick her from behind, whipping her head and she saw her brother's scrunched face. "What are you doing here? And why are you sat there?" Louis asked as he walked past her, carrying a tray.

"Here you go, Sky." Louis exclaimed with a different and brighter demeanor. He placed the tray on his study table, whilst Sky remained standing, staring at Torri who finally realized that she was still ducked like a scared cat.

Torri rolled her eyes and stood up, holding the elf's hand. "You know I was supposed to bring Sarah today. Why did Mum and Dad let you just bring him here? He's never even been here before." She rambled, as she kept her hand clutching Zoe's hand for support.

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