8 | Garde Dior

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Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was already alive before it could even open at eleven. A man with brown eyes, five feet and ten inches tall, walked in with a six foot man with blonde hair.  "Bonjour, may we see erm... Ze owner?" The man with brown eyes asked.

Tim who was carrying boxes of new stocks called for his employers from down the stairs. "Mr. Weasleys! Someone's searchin' for yah!"

Minutes later, George came down the stairs, wearing a dashing  dirty white collared long sleeve under a navy blue blazer. "Hello, I'm George Weasley, how may I help you?" He said two steps away from the shop's floor.

The two men exchanged looks. "Didn't we just pass you?" The man with blonde hair exclaimed.

George let out a chuckle. "You must've bump with my twin, Fred, who's also the owner of the shop." The two nodded. George stared at them, wondering what their motives were.

The man with blonde hair came back to reality and moved forward to George. "Pardon me. We're Mr. Ashton Clavette and Mr. Sumner Faux." He shook George's hand. "We own a shop that sells healing magic equipment in Paris, it's called Guérisseur. Poppy Pomfrey, a friend of ours, says you recently released a line of modern and developed equipment. We'd like to offer partnership and find a way to introduce your products in Paris."

George's eyes widened. Weasley products? In Paris? That's a big step for him and Fred. "I would love to negotiate, but the creator of our healing product line has to be present, they have the full rights in regards of this product." His gaze shifted to the door as it rang the bell. "Sorry we're still clo—" He cut himself off as a three-year-old boy clung onto one of his guests' leg.

"Papa!" Mr. Clavette was surprised but smiled and ruffled the boy's hair.

A lady running after came inside the shop as well. "Toutes mes excuses, messieurs. Il est vraiment têtu." She panted. George didn't understand what she said but it was clear to him that she was talking to the gentlemen in front of him.

Mr. Clavette carried the boy to his arms. "C'est bon, Marie, je m'occuperai de lui. Retournez à l'auberge et reposez-vous." He replied with a smile. George only thought how badly Safe would've helped him understand whatever they're saying so he's not awkwardly standing in front of them. He'd heard Safe speak in French while they were brainstorming about her product so he had assumed that his conclusion was right.

"Candy! Toys!" The gentlemen laughed as the boy exclaimed. The little boy pushed himself down, then ran around looking over jars of sweets and poking at products that was beyond his reach. George found it interesting as well. It always made him happy to see children have fun with their inventions.

"We're sorry for the disturbance. But we'd like to meet your creator. Is there a date for us to come back here? We're only in town for a week, so we hope we can meet as soon as possible." Mr. Faux said with business manner that George picked up quickly.

George nodded and smiled. Safe and Fred came in the shop just in time. "Why don't we negotiate now? Our creator had just arrive." He gestured towards Safe and Fred who were having a conversation about the new flavors of ice cream they bought and planned on trying.

The little boy turned to their direction then ran to Safe. "Mama!" George's and Fred's eyes widened. Safe was shocked but a wide smile came across her face.

"Dior?! Ma petite Dior?!" She exclaimed and squatted down to hug the child as she kissed his cheeks. She looked up to see Ashton and Sumner who was beside George. "I thought you two were going to attend a business matter?" She asked with her brows narrowed.

Fred walked next to George. They were both confused and intrigued to know what's all the ruckus in their shop was about. "We are. We're trying to inquire with the owner of this shop." Sumner replied.

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