29 | Sweeps Sweets

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⚠️WARNING: Sexual and gore depictions, and bits of jelly Fred⚠️


The woman pulled her upper body away, still managing to up her weight on Fred. She ran her fingers through his copper strands. "Your hair got longer, carrot. You should cut it, it doesn't suit you." She stated with a higher pitch tone that only Safe noticed.

Safe calmly stood in front of them. I like his hair longer. She thought to herself, caught in an isolated trance. The woman was quite familiar but Safe couldn't find it around her mind who she was. She remained silent, awaiting for what Fred would do besides looking at her awkwardly.

"Get off him, we're in the shop and in front of customers, Lix." George said with annoyance and an authoritative voice. He detangled her legs off Fred, making sure that she was off his twin immediately. He glanced at Safe to see how she was doing. She stood blankly, observing the whole event unravel to her understanding.

Fred nervously smiled at Safe, hands spread wide, no skin touched the woman who clung to him tightly like a leech. He stood in front of her with big shock, almost close to how much Safe felt, but never close. He didn't like what the situation made him feel, and neither did Safeiarrah's silence.

Lix whined as George unwrapped her from his brother. "Geez, Giegie. I just came back and this is how you greet me?" She fixed her shirt and flipped her hair to the back. She rolled her eyes towards George and smiled brightly towards Fred.

Fred placed down his arms, straightened her shirt while glancing at Safe, past the woman in front of him. He walked past Lix, where she followed him with her gaze and a sweet smile. "Where are you going?" She giggled, but her smile soon turned into a frown after Fred held Safe's hand.

"Safe, meet Hale." He introduced, focusing on Safe entirely as she still was tensed and confused. "She used to work with us while you were in France." He squeezed her hand tightly, it was beginning to get cold.

The earthy haired woman flashed an awkward smile and held her right hand towards Safe. "Call me Lix, nice to meet you." She said. The red stone on Lix's right hand made Safe bothered for some reason, she couldn't find a way to explain the feeling.

Safeiarrah smiled and took her hand with a gentle squeeze, soon yelped a little after Lix tightened her grip on Safe, catching her off guard. Lix pulled away with hands over her mouth. "Oh my! I'm so sorry! I just really have a firm grip, you know. It keeps the professionalism that way." She apologized towards Fred, indirectly acknowledging Safe at all.

"It's alright, pleasure to meet you." Safe replied, shrugging the glimpse of Lix's smirk away. Her mind was calm, except about the red stone, she could've sworn she'd seen it before.

George walked on Safe's right. "We'll meet you later, Lix. Why don't you go out for a stroll in Diagon?" He suggested. His body was tense, he didn't like her around. Her vixen visage made him want to gag and throw up on her.

Lix rolled her eyes and grunted. "Why can't I go to the flat? I used to wait there when you two were busy down here." She pouted, arms crossed and eyes pleaded.

Safeiarrah came back to real, squeezing Fred's hand back with a soft smile plastered on her lips. "Sorry, Hale. Lot has changed after a year you were gone." He said and turned to Safe, leaning close to her. "And we are supposed to be eating lunch." He whispered raspily, stealing a peck on her cheek.

The other woman's eyes flickered with disgust, mouth snarl silently yet quickly changed as Fred turned to face her another time. Whore. She thought with an over widened smile. "See you later, Hale." Fred bid as he pulled Safe away with fits of chuckles escaping his lips.

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