37 | Missed Chances

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Aila stood in front of Safe and Fred with her eyes squinting at them. The two moved sloppily as they signed the new copy of Safe's book that she purchased. She nudged Peter, who was currently fascinated by one of the products from the shop. She leaned close to him once he ducked down to reach her height. "It's odd, isn't it?" She asked curiously.

"What is?" He turned his head to the couple's direction, "Oh... maybe they're tired? Like you said, they're busy people, no?" Peter stood up straight again but was sharply pulled back down when Aila aggressively tugged on his shirt.

"And what possibly made them that tired?" She whisper-yelled at him. To think that she was having this conversation with Peter in front of them without getting their attention was already tingling her spine. All year she had awaited to spend her summer watching Safe and Fred be all cute to capture more photos for her scrapbook.

Peter's eyes widened, ears reddened, and turned his face sternly away from her. "Uhm— I... I don't know, Ai." He stammered, struggling to remove her grip from his shirt. When it came to her obsession over Safe and Fred's relationship she focuses way more on their image.

Safeiarrah bumped Fred with her elbow, which made her turn to him in shock. As soon as their eyes met she looked away, flustered at the distance of his face. "Sorry." She muttered and smiled towards Aila. "Here you go, Aila... Summer been good to you two?" She asked the two as she pushed the book forward.

"Well, Ai—" Peter coughed after Aila nudged his side harder, he saw a glance of her wide smile that was commonly plastered on her face whenever he was about to rat her out unknowingly.

"I what?" Safe asked with wrinkled eyebrows, she exchanged quick looks with Fred and promptly went back to the two teenagers in front of her. Fred stretched his arms to push himself up, flexing his biceps on Safe's peripheral.

Peter held his side and smiled awkwardly, "Ai— I can't wait to spend my time wisely. Yeah, that's it. How about you two, Ms. Phoenix and Mr. Weasley?" He replied as he held his cough in his throat, fixing the hem of his t-shirt that Aila tugged.

Safeiarrah smiled at him. "Just Safe, Peter. You don't have to be so formal." She chuckled, grabbing a new copy of her book as she dipped her quill in a small ink bottle.

The young woman beside him nodded in agreement. "That's what I keep telling him, Safe." She leaned closer with her left hand covering the side of her mouth. "He's quite formal. It took him a month to call me Aila. He calls everyone by their last names." She whispered that made Safe and Fred chuckle.

"Plus, this one..." Aila pointed at Fred as she pulled away. "You call that a git. Keep up, Pete." She added, tapping his shoulder a bit too hard.

Fred snarked at the young lady, almost tempted to flick her off if it wasn't for Safe who'd break his finger in a heartbeat.

Aila grabbed the book and slapped it on Peter's chest. "Mine is fully booked but it's never not involving you two, so... how about you join Pete and I for lunch? Safe and I need to catch up, it has been a long time since we last talked in person. And I'm applying to work here for summer. I need my experience if I'm going to run my family's business someday, where else would it be best to get your experience but the busiest shop in Diagon, right, Fred? What do you say?" She interjected, subtly snarling at Peter who almost had her caught. She leaned against the table with her hands gripping the edge of it. Her eyes sparkled to convince the two adults.

She talked so fast that Safe and Fred had no time to process what the young lady had just said. "Sure, I can't see why not." Fred exclaimed, looking down on Safe as he tapped her shoulder. "Safe?" He asked cautiously.

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