12 | Twenty Three

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Fred woke up too early, he himself was surprised. The soreness kicked in immediately as he fluttered his eyes slowly, the weight of the sun conflicting him whether to close or open his lids. He groaned in pain, a sound of hoarse voice echoed in the cozy, warm room. Sunlight already led itself inside the organized and clean room, piercing through every inch of the window. Besides the gray sheets, the sun also covered them with heat from the busy Monday morning outside, as well.

He turned his body to lay on his back. His left arm covered his eyes, flexing his bicep. Two minutes after, he sat up to see the not-so-clean room that he claimed to be the cleanest place in the flat. Clothings clattered around, not many, but messy enough.

The right side of the bed sunk and so his initial reaction was to look at the tiny figure. Safe shifted her position, snuggling closer to him. He smiled widely and leaned down to plant a kiss on her soft skin.

Last night wasn't so clear but he remembered the three words that came out of her silken lips. His heart ached almost immediately. He had to do something. He was at fault for all those years, and the quote, Better late than never, became the most idiotic quote he'd ever known. Safe didn't ignore his sorrow, she was just drowning on the deeper blue than he was. He latched onto the idea that Safe had risked too much that she had lost herself along the way. He loathe himself.

He broke her. The promise he held so dear, he broke it. He chose to break her and that was the worse thing he'd ever done, even if he did it subconsciously. He was the only one to blame. He was disappointed of him but the same disappointment led him to this situation. He can't let it take over him again, not with him knowing how she felt. He knows more, he should do better, he should be better.

His head throbbed upon remembering hundreds of words that flew up in the air between them. If he was the reason of her pain, then he was the reason she'd gotten herself mentally unstable. He was coming into big realizations of how much of a dick he was. Not the best feeling but big part of him felt he deserved it.

He glanced at Safeiarrah's peaceful face. His fingers tucked strands of her hair, that covered her beautiful visage, behind her delicate right ear. "I love you..." He mumbled before standing up and cleaned the room for Safe. He knows how seething she gets whenever her room was a mess. Whenever he wakes up on her bed he could always smell her sweet scent in the room and see sparkle clean spaces.

The flat was quiet. It was only seven thirty in the morning. Usually he would still be asleep on either his bed or hers. The latter only recent. He glanced on his bedroom door and to George's, his eyebrows furrowed, but quick to calm after getting onto a major conclusion.

Must've left to give us privacy. He thought to himself. Fred walked to the kitchen and began making breakfast before Safe awakes. He should at least start somewhere, and treating her as a queen was his first attempt on slowly convincing her that he has changed.

At nine eighteen, bit unusual for Safe to wake up, she fluttered her eyes open from a savory scent. Her hand automatically searched for Fred before she could even let the light touch her vision.

Eyes wide opened, she saw nothing but an empty space. "Morning, love." A familiar voice greeted her. Her lips curled weakly but sweet enough to melt Fred's heart.

He sat at the end of the bed, far from her vision. A tray of mouth drooling food laid down on her vanity table, across her bed. "You cooked." She giggled. Safe winced after feeling her body ache in every inch of her as she sat herself up. She ignored the tremor on her thighs and an overwhelming smile filled her lips. "My birthday was yesterday." She said as she pouted.

Her morning charm only made him high for her existence. His love was deep and he was obsessed with the woman. "But I love you everyday, so it seems appropriate for the occasion." He said with a cheeky smile. Her face turned beet red. She just woke up and his greeting caught her off guard.

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