14 | Pure Daisy

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"Wake up, darling." Rough, nonetheless gentle hand swept on the surface of her satin visage. Her lashes fluttered elegantly as the sun slowly blinded her once more, piercing through her calm russet. Her body ached from soul to skin. Safeiarrah sat on the bed with the few strength she saved from her deep sleep.

A small bed table that had breakfast rested on her left was after Fred who sat on his knees beside her as he tucked in strands of her hair behind her left ear. "You look lovely, darling." He added, pecking on her lips that immediately drove her blood to her face.

She smiled warmly and giggled briefly. "What time is it?" She asked. The sun didn't seem to have the morning dew anymore, which told her that it wasn't early. With the humid she felt, she was certain that it was the afternoon.

"Past three. You've been dreaming almost all day..." He glanced down on her tremor. "And you're still trembling. Was I too rough on you?" Guilt spread across his face. He let his jealousy takeover him once again, his discipline was out of control.

Safe shook her head. "The jelly-legs counter-curse would do just fine, it's nothing new." She assured along with her joking giggles. Her hand grabbed her wand that he placed on the night stand beside her in the morning. Mrs. Weasley finally gave their wands back. Lips hummed the spell and her body shivered for two seconds, registering the charm inside.

"See? Good as new." She said and pushed herself up only to crumble back down on the wooden floor. She winced in pain as her body produced a loud thud.

Fred jolted up, accidentally kicking the tray of food on the bed. "Shit, shit!" He derided as he gently grabbed her arms up. Her right thigh that received the most impact earned a bruise the size of his thumb but was extremely visible in her smooth tan skin.

He supported her up as her legs quaked. Safeiarrah laughed in her own foolishness. "What are you laughing at? You just fell, Safe." He scolded gently. He was worried, he always felt bad about her trembling when he was too rough the night before, but Safe assured him time and time that it was okay. Is it really okay? He asked himself.

She rolled her eyes upon his attitude towards her. "You made a mess on your bed." She announced as she pointed at the clattered breakfast and lunch she would've had if he didn't kicked it. Her goal was to divert his attention away from doubting himself once again. She winced upon the sudden pain in her belly. Now, shit. She thought. Thick streams trailed down her inner thighs. They boiled like metal, and were sticky that made her seethe her face in disgust.

"Fuck! Safe! You're bleeding!" He panicked as he saw the shallow puddle of blood that began to form between her feet. He didn't know what to do. Did he hurt her? Was it his fault? Of course it is! He scolded himself. He was scared. It was supposed to be a good afternoon where he's going to wake her up and invite her to go out for their first date. "Safe, tell me if I hurt you. I swear to Merlin's I'm going to control myself next time. I promise. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. How do I– What do I do? Do I call Mum? Your Aunt? Maybe 'Mione, she knows what to do. Fuck. Shit, shit, shit. Don't worry I-I'll call he–" He was muted.

It wasn't a silencing charm but a spell that bound his lips together to shut them off. Fred's buzz of panic still reached her ear. She cringed at the sound, her hormones kicking in as her belly felt a giant pulse of pain. "Calm down, Freddie. I'll be fine. This is... not normal, but it's alright." She exclaimed calmly despite the screeching pain that became tenser each second she wasted.

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