59 | Thousand Lies

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Heat lingered around the living room as Safe sat at its center. Her eyes were focused on the landline phone in front of her. Heartbeats thud loudly in her ear as she anticipated for it to finally ring. She was thinking of a reason to tell Fred when he calls for them to meet up.

After her mind-blowing sex with Avi and mind-shattering thought of Fred as she moaned in Avi's ears, she couldn't gather the strength to face the redhead.

"Maybe I can go to France," Safeiarrah mumbled to herself, quickly shaking her head in response. "I already used that twice a week ago and also two days ago." She said, biting the edge of her nail.

It has been two weeks since she started avoiding Fred. The thought of seeing him made her nauseous as it led to her thinking of him in the same bed she lay on. No words could describe how she felt. How confused she was at the mixed signals of her own mind. A roulette table spinning for eternity. 

"I'm a doctor. It's my duty. He wouldn't mind me using that reason again. I'm sure he won't be suspicious," She waved her hand in front of her face. "But that would be unfair to him. He's probably busy with the joke shop too." Safe couldn't do anything but sigh as her shoulders drop.

Why did she have to fantasize about her sex life with Fred? She was done with that phase. She did every possible thing she could do while having sex with Fred. She shouldn't be whimpering with need like a teenager.

Safe groaned, burying her face in her hands. She never thought she'd feel so frustrated over something that she has done many times before. "Damn it! That's it. I'm going to meet him today and get this over with." She took a deep breath.

Her soul almost left her body when the phone rang. She grabbed it with both of her hands and placed it next to her ear. "Hello?" She softly muttered, almost impossible to be heard by the person on the other line.

"Hello, Safe? Are you alright?" Fred asked from the other line, his voice was echoing with concern and it tickled a spot in Safe's heart.

"Yeah? Why'd you ask?" Her voice break at the end of her sentence. The way her heart galloped made her stumble over her own words. Calm down! She thought to herself.

There was a momentary pause, "Are you sure? You sound sick. I can barely hear you." Fred was clearly suspicious of her and her paranoia had her stumbling for words.

And with great timing, Safe sneezed out of the blue after sitting directly on the strobe of the sun, where dust danced along with the speed of light. "Uh—" She was running out of things to say. Granted she barely said anything at all.

"Don't say anything. I'll be right there in five." The call already dropped before Safe could protest.

Panic filled Safe's veins. How the hell was she going to avoid this situation? She didn't want to face him and Fred going to her flat wasn't exactly helpful.

Why did she have to sneeze during the call? And why couldn't she speak like a normal person? Safe wanted to smash her head over the coffee table. How could she make such a simple thing complicated for herself?

Just as she thought things couldn't get any worst, she realized the state of herself. She was wearing an oversized shirt whilst her hair wrapped up into an actual messy bun.

Time was her enemy. Safe heard her doorbell ring, with muddled thinking she ran to her door, stubbing her toe on the shoe rack. She was hopping on one foot by the time she reached the door.

"What happened?" Fred greeted at the sight of her holding up her foot.

"Stubbed a toe on the way." She casually explained, biting a few tears from rolling down her cheeks.

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