19 | Arrah Safe

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WARNING!!! Blood descriptions-


"S-sorry, Madam." Safe's brows narrowed at Aila's sudden formality. She accidentally bump to Safeiarrah while carrying a box of stock products. The young girl was sweating, something that was brought to Safeiarrah's attention.

Safe held Aila's right arm back to face her once again. "Madam, will you please let go of me before I ask you to leave my shop?" She said straight faced. Not the usual warm smile that she gives her whenever she sees the woman.

Fred heard what Aila said as he was supposedly restocking with her. It was nine in the morning and Safe decided to help before leaving to St. Mungo's. "Your shop?" Fred chuckled. "Getting bold there, cripple." He teased that triggered an uncommon side of Aila.

"Who are you to call me cripple? That's rude of you considering you're a new employee here." Safe and Fred exchanged worried looks. Aila dropped the box and held her temple with great pain. She opened her eyes back, looking at the two with a weak smile. "Uhm... what?" She asked in confusion.

Oh no. They both exclaimed inside their heads. "Aila... you're experiencing symptoms of time lapse." Safe announced gently. The healers made an executive decision to call the disease Time Lapse due to the common symptom that the patients have been getting; the altered perception of time.

She bent a little with her hands on Aila's shoulders, stared at the threatening storm on her ocean. "What did you do for the past couple of days? What happened? I need you to carefully remember. Can you do that for me?" Safe gently asked to avoid panic.

Safe still couldn't find the cure nor the cause. With Aila showing symptoms, it's quite sure that the cause was something common between her and George. But what was it? She asked herself.

Fred grabbed a seat and let Aila sat on it. "I-I don't know... I was only working... restocking... and then I got bitten by one of the pygmy puffs... and then I ate my lunch—" She looked up at Safe, panic began to creep inside of her. "Do you think it was my lunch? Do you think I got it from there? It did taste a bit unusual."

Safe kept her eyes staring at the small bandage that Aila made on her finger where the bite of the pygmy puff was. She saw her skin paling more than usual yet the bandage didn't seem to be wrapped too tight. "Can I remove this?" She asked Aila who nodded in response.

Once the bandage was out of the way it showed a swollen bite. "So what? Am I dying? If I'm dying will you at least get married right now?" She laughed nervously, seeking eye contact with the two adults with her.

It was Aila's last day at the shop, if she was leaving that way, knowing she'd die, she didn't know what else to think about. She skipped first two weeks back to school for this, was it the worst decision she'd made to get closer with the two? Maybe it was.

"Fred, what was George doing that night before we went to the Burrow?" She asked without removing eye contact with Aila's wound. She saw numerous scar bites from patients that looked exactly from the same type of animal. No one wrote it down in the patients' files because their wounds have been healed except George's who just got it hours prior to his first seizure.

Fred gulped at the sudden realization. "Receiving the new breeds of pygmy puff." His face grew paler. Safe thinned her lips and nodded to confirm his assumption. Of course, it was the pygmy puff's fault! She scorned inside her head.

Aila hysterically laughed to grab Safe's attention. "Safe, please tell me I'm not dying. You need to call my mum and dad." Tears began to slowly roll down her cheeks that Safe immediately wiped off carefully with her hands.

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