47 | Vividly Vexatious

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(Warning: sexual scene; mentions and consumption of alcohol, drugs; and smoking)

"Freddie," Lix smiled, linking an arm with Fred's. "I made a reservation for tomorrow. We can either leave after dinner or leave before sunrise." A smile snaked over her red painted lips. Her hand rubbed the pale skin of the man she had in her cage.

Ginny sunk on the sofa in the center of the den. Her arms crossed and eyes blazing with fire. "What the bloody hell is she doing here? I thought mum gave her a sweep sweet?" She hissed next to Lee.

It has been a good four months. Snow layered the dirt outside the Burrow. The fireplace lit and warmed the whole place from the bottom floor up to the attic. And Callixta by the mantelpiece across from the people who huddled on the couch. It was another source of heat that drizzled in the pit of Ginny's stomach.

"Ginny, let it go. It's Christmas eve. And as usual... She had the guts to eat it. I need to make the taste and smell a lot inedible." George warned, sitting on her left. He didn't like the view of Lix smitten over his twin. It was almost the sight of him being crooned by the leech.

Harry and Ron, as usual, pressed on the rug, playing a game of wizard's chess. A tradition that no one could come against for years now. Although, unlike years before, Harry has come to pick up many techniques that Ron would use against him, so the tally has gotten pretty tied.

By the corner on an armchair, closest to the fire, sat Hermione with a book at hand, a free hand over her swollen belly. As if she was reading to it, or to the tiny human inside. She was close on her due date and she chose to keep to herself to avoid stress.

Ginny scoffed, "She is ruining my Christmas eve. The sight of her makes me want to rip—"

"We know, we know," Lee petted her hair, as if he was petting a lion from devouring a potential ally. He had his head nod slowly, taking small glances at the sight of Lix and Fred.

Fred succumbed to the vow. He has been spending time with Lix more than he usually did... and by spending...

The three of them sighed in unison. Ginny was first to grunt, "This is ridiculous! Why is he with her? And why the fuck does he look so happy?" Her voice was almost loud to yell but she kept the snarl under her breath.

"He doesn't really look that happy. Let's just let him be," Lee couldn't believe he was saying those words, or the words after it. "I guess at least he's got that. If he's not with leech he's drowning in alcohol. And he started smoking. It's not him, at all. I'll take that instead of hearing him piss by his bedroom door every 2 AM. The flat stinks of piss every morning."

"Fred's never touched a cigarette except the time he tried it. And he is never that much of a drinker either." Ginny stated, lowering her arms as she alternately looked at Lee and George. Hair strands escaped out of being tucked behind her ears. A small ache stung inside her chest as she watched another woman's arm with her brother... and how her brother only stood there as if no life can be worse than being with Callixta.

George thinned his lips, "Well..." He hesitantly said, looking over Harry.

"Fred's been drinking because of Safe. He's been smoking to cloud Safe out," Harry interjected, not taking his eyes off the board. After he took his turn he whipped his head towards them, "You can say it. You don't have to hesitate talking about her around me. I'm not the one she broke up with." He chuckled softly.

Harry propped on his hands behind him, letting the soft rug caress his palm. "It's the least we could do, Gin. We can at least let him have that and let her have what she has. I just hope he eventually stops whatever he's doing and actually lives." He added, stirring his head back to the little wooden world between him and Ron.

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