53 | Little Angel

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Safe quickly withdrew her hand from Fred the moment her vision cleared. She ran and tied her hair up swiftly, making her way towards a specific room.

Fred didn't have the time to react nor clear his vision before Safe completely disappeared from his sight. He looked around the floor, lobby, he thought as he saw the receptionist and other people walking on their own pace.

Maybe she'll be quick, he told himself and grabbed a seat on one of the sofas. However, the night deepened and so was his consciousness as he sat waiting.

A lot of people who came after him left before him. Few conversations with people here and there but it took a very long time before he realized that he needed to know what was going on.

"Hello, can you direct me to Dr. Phoenix's office?" Fred asked as he approached one of the receptionist.

The woman gave him a judgmental look, wondering why he was asking for the office of the founder and owner of the Hospital. It must be odd as they've never seen him around at all.

"Sorry, sir. You have to book an appointment to meet our doctors." The woman, Lilia, replied awkwardly.

Appointment? I brought your doctor back here you— He didn't have the chance to say another word as the person already turned away from him. What was going on? What's gotten Safe all exhausted and distraught? The last time he saw that way was when George was sick. His thoughts cut off when a familiar voice registered in his ear.

"Fred? What are you doing here?" Zeal asked, walking over with five cups of coffee.

He knew Fred was a stubborn one and a huge lunatic when it comes to men around Safe but not to the point where he roams around the place where the guy works... Or does he?

A lot of questions popped in Zeal's mind and as if Fred could hear him, he was answered.

"I apparated Safe here. She was too exhausted to do it herself, didn't want her to get in an accident seeing as she's the most important healer you all got here." Fred nonchalantly replied, sighing softly as he thought of how lucky he was to bump onto Zeal, slipping his hands in his pockets.

Zeal nodded, "Good, good. Merci." He stood there staring at nothing for a second before speaking, "Damn, it must be little angel again." He heaved, tsking on the floor. He took a sharp breath before lifting his gaze back up at Fred, a totally different and brighter expression over his visage. A smile formed on his lips, "Come on, you can wait for Safe in her office." He said and led the way.

The elevator ride was quiet, two grown men, exhausted and dizzy from sleep deprivation. But Fred's curiosity was something he couldn't let go of. Who was little angel and how important was this person for Safe to drive herself into lassitude?

"Who's little angel?" Fred asked, turning towards Zeal. His hair was messy and under eyes were beginning to darken from drowsiness.

"A patient," Zeal smiled weakly at him. It wasn't like Fred didn't deserve to know, but Safe always had her reasons for everything, and all he wanted was for Fred to find a flat ground where he'd understand everything that the woman does.

"But you have enough doctors to take care of a patient. Why does Safe have to tend to this person all the time?"

Zeal looked at him and placed a hand over his shoulder, "I think it's best if you hear it from Safe." He said and cue the doors opening for them to step out. He opened a door and turned the lights on, "You can wait here, I still have a lot of work to do. You're free to do whatever, if you need to leave just give me a call through the landline and I'll tell Safe. Do you want anything to drink?" He asked.

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