28 | Fur Coat

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⚠️Depictions of drugs and sex⚠️


Rox pushed Cedric as soon as then apparated in the cold empty street of Diagon Alley. The light from the pole flickered loudly.

An awkward silence took over once their eyes met another, both intoxicated, logic flickering with the light no clearer than the dark sky above them. Rox cleansed her throat and fixed her composure. "Thanks, I can handle it from here. You should go back to the Burrow." She said and flashed a faint forced smile before she started walking away.

"It was me." He declared with no context, but both seemed to clutch onto the idea that he proposed. Roxette turned around, hugging herself from the cold. Cedric smiled pleasingly. "The white masked guy..." He waved his hand in front of his face, indicating the area of his eyes. "... it was me." He ended, he was rooted on the ground.

She chuckled softly, mockingly. "You're drunk, Diggory. You should go back, it's quite cold." She was about to begin walking another, hoping that he'd let the idea slip away.

Cedric watched her turn around before uttering a seemingly forbidden word he learned. "Roxie!" He shouted, earning her second turn.

Her small figure walked back up to him with an irritated visage. "Stop." Voice was gentler compared to her sharp movements.

An eyebrow raised, a smirked mischievously plastered on his face, of course, influenced all by the toxins he took. "Why? Draco Malfoy could call you that way and I can't? Last time, I recalled, you never even wanted to be close to them." He blankly stated.

Bulls eye. Rox stepped back once from the shock. 'It really was him.' She thought to herself, but interpreted differently by Cedric. He caught her by the waist, pulling her closer to him. "No. You don't get to step away again." His breath filled with a poisonous whiff that pulled her into a deep spell.

She was still in denial. The thought of coming into a casual conversation with Cedric Diggory, with the man she liked for years, was utterly impossible. They had no connections, no knowledge of who each other were. It was all down the gutter from the moment she found interest in him.

They just stared at each other, woodsy eyes strained as they took in opposites' visage. The light brought her to a disastrous ride, playing with her emotions as it hid and revealed his fixed eyes.

'No.' She thought, pushed him, looking down on her blistered feet from the heels she has been wearing for over eight hours. "Go back home." She mumbled, clenching her fists tight.

She heard him sigh, seconds later and his hand covered hers, opening them out of her tensed grip. "Rosewood. I'll call you that way if you want me to, but please... can we... talk?" His voice was gentle, persuasive. Something she didn't trust so much in general.

"What is there to talk about?" She asked innocently, eyes still down to avoid his luring spell. She laughed awkwardly, shivering as the cold intensified and sneaked through her coat.

He watched the peak of her head. "You're Roxette Rosewood. We talked at the gathering last December. I have to talk to you again. It was the best conversation I had. Please... I can't get you out of my mind and if that's not convincing you, tell me and I'll be out of your life." He persuaded, slowly loosening his hold on her.

It was her turn to sigh. "Fine, but not here, it's too cold and it's late. I have to be at the Burrow early tomorrow." She said and finally walked with him following behind.

Don't Give, Just Take | F. WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now