25 | Paper Napkin

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⚠️TW: Broken glass shards⚠️


"Make sure Mrs. Locks gets enough-" Safe was gently cut off by the woman she left in charge for the night, and won't be coming back 'til the third night. She began to balance her time between her job at St. Mungo's as the Head Matron and her job at the twins' shop as a line product creator.

"–stock of yarns for her knitting, I know Safe, you told me that ten times already, go on... Fred's been waiting for you." Angelina exclaimed with a thin smile. Safe bestowed her the chance to prove herself that she could work under pressure, and Angie wanted to prove that she could.

A soft smile crept on Safe's lips. Angelina and her relationship grew a lot closer than the past years. The situation from the breakout made them more capable of focusing on skills and being more mature than ever, especially Angelina.

"Thanks, Angie." Safe bid as she fixed her coat on her way out of her office. She wore a white turtle neck tight dress that was down two inches below her knees, paired with a brown coat and brown leather four inch heels, it was ten thirty six in the evening, after all, Fred really has been waiting for quite some time.

She saw him sitting on one of the waiting seats in the lobby, reading a brochure that Safe couldn't quite distinguish. "Hey, handsome, you waiting for someone?" She greeted him with a sweet smile.

Fred looked up and a devious smirk quickly crept onto his pinkish lips. He ran his fingers through his hair and leaned against the rest of the chair whilst he crossed his legs with his right calve resting on top of his left knee. "I am actually... Do you happen to know a Dr. Mrs. Weasley?" He asked, arms spread across other chair railings.

Safe chuckled and shook her head. "Ooh, sorry, I don't think you're at the right place, we only have a Dr. Phoenix here." She fixed her coat another time from the discomfort she felt since she was rushing out. "Anyways, nice to meet you. I'll be heading out now, good evening." She ended and walked past him.

He frowned at her game and followed her close. His arms wrapped her waist when he finally caught up with her, it wasn't hard to do so either ways. "You always win, it's unfair, gorgeous." He whispered next to her ear.

She giggled softly and hit his shoulder lightly. "We should go home, I'm really starving." She whined weakly and leaned on his side after he walked beside her, one arm still wrapped around her waist.

Fred ruffled her hair and stole a peck on her left cheek. "What did Aunt Torri make for dinner?" She asked as she yawned.

"Mashed, fish and chips, and pie." He replied, walking over in front of her with his hands placed on both the side of her forearms. "How about we go out for a fancy dinner? What do you say?" His eyes pleaded to her russets.

Safeiarrah's eyes glimmered with excitement but promptly replaced with a soft frown. "Isn't it late?" She asked with another yawn.

Fred shook his head and grinned. "Nope. Some restos are open even at this time." He assured and rubbed her sides to add warmth after he felt her shake from the cold wind that just blew.

The flicker of glee sparked once again. "I'd love to." She cheered and jumped low to hug her lover that happily accepted her in his arms.

He held her waist with his left arm, still embracing her with her face buried in his chest. "Alright then, late night date, we go." Her soft giggles made his stomach hurl wildly before he apparated them into a fancy resto around north of Diagon.

She gasped amusedly. "This... this is brilliant, why have I never seen this part of Diagon before?" She asked, eyes sparkled like stars, and soft visage brightened like the sun.

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