43 | Bitter Clarity

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"Move!" Angelina shouted at the people who were scattered in the hallway. She was helping on pushing Safeiarrah's gurney at a speedy pace.

Hannah Abbott was on the other side, whilst Fred Weasley ran behind them, holding Safe's hand as his breath shook. "Safe, love... keep breathing. I know you can hear me." He exclaimed, clutching her small hand in his as tight as he could. He couldn't help but crack his voice each word he tried to utter.

George was pushing behind Angelina while two more healers were behind the twins. Everyone had tightness felt inside their chest. He almost couldn't feel his feet despite the splinch on his left calf. He was panicking on his way to St. Mungo's that it affected his apparition.

Angelina was first to respond and called other healers to help her. When she arrived at the Rosewood manor, she promptly felt Safe's pulse and whispered a spell with her wand.

Everything happened so fast they couldn't even remember how they got to St. Mungo's. Their speed soon increased as they approached a double door, except Fred and George were stopped by other healers and asked to wait in a waiting room where Daryl was to lead them to.

Fred was pacing, he still wasn't calm enough but a relief was lifted. "She's going to survive." He announced it to George. Ginny was with the Rosewoods while Harry and Ron processed Lucius to Azkaban. The rest of the people involved were deemed irrelevant.

George nodded his head, "Yeah she will," but he was certain that his twin wasn't talking to him at all. He fidgeted with his fingers as they waited. Fred on the other hand, kept on his feet. His head dizzy at the force he had given his body from going in circles.

Soon, they heard loud footsteps of someone running and came Zeal in his work clothes, sweating. "What the hell happened?" He asked worriedly, attempting to catch his breath. He watched Fred who didn't seem to notice his presence.

"Lucius Malfoy shot her with a curse but Fred shot her a protective spell all at the same time. She didn't have much injury from what we saw but we're not certain." George briefly explained, earning a nod from Zeal—despite the fact that he has no idea who Lucius Malfoy was. Must be one of the people they hated, he thought. George's hands were clenched together. A heavy box encaged his heart and was being squished into thin.

They both watched Fred throw himself from one side to another side of the room. He was mumbling something to himself with his fists clenched tight. His eyes were fixed on the ground. They could hear his ragged breaths and his sweats felt cold.

Zeal stood close to him. "Fred." He called once. "Fred." Then the next and the next after that. It only fastened Fred's pace. So Zeal had no choice but to hold the man still. "Fred, calm down." He said, sniffing sharply.

"Safe's going to survive." Fred told him with his eyes looking far. His body was shaking, his pupils were dilated. It felt like he was a ticking bomb, ready to explode anytime soon.

"Exactly." Zeal replied, gripping Fred's shoulder tightly. "She will survive, so I need you to calm down. I need your head in the game. I need you strong so when she wakes up, you're there. Can you do that?" He said, giving him a glass of water that George poured for him.

He knew how it felt. He knew how the fear crept over the vast veins of his mind and how clouded he could be once it was out of control. If it wasn't for Safe, Zeal would've been next to the Willows' grave but she had the authority to keep him intact. Much he could do was to keep Fred in one piece for her.

Fred then nodded and breathed a lot slower. They led him to sit on one of the armchairs inside the waiting room. Since then, he was muttering to himself, tears that continuously flowed along with his not so silent sobs.

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