21 | An Invitation

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WARNING!!!! If you're reading this and is not comfortable with sexual content, then why are you still reading it? Jk. Exit out, if not comfy, half beg :)


Slim hands covered a frustrated visage. "You will not give Dior a spiked bludger!" Safeiarrah argued with Fred. They have been inside the Quality Quidditch Supplies for over an hour, picking a gift for Dior.

They received a letter inviting the whole group to visit Paris, France to celebrate the child's fourth birthday party on March 28th, 2002, ten days prior. Fred has been pushing to give Dior a spiked bludger whilst Safe suggested that a quaffle would be enough, thinking that the boy merely had the knowledge of how quidditch was played.

"But spiked bludger is cool! He'll like it!" Fred opposed with his brows peaking on his forehead as he emphasized his cry.

He was thrilled. He missed the child, and Safe made an arrangement with Ash and Sum to celebrate the twins' birthday in Paris since it was only days after. Fred and George were both excited, they've heard so many good things about Paris from Safe whenever they ate supper. And traveling to another place other than England was something they always found exciting either ways.

Safe tied her hair back in a low ponytail, a sign that he was about to receive her wrath, so he let go of the small chest that contained the spiked bludger back on the shelf. "Yeah, you're probably right, love. I'll just buy him one when he turns eleven."

She looked at him with squinted eyes and faked a smile. "Glad you came to your senses, love." Safe scoffed and turned around to go to the line to pay for the bat and quaffle that she held.

Fred scorned silently and bit a sneaky smile before looking over at the staff that was assigned on the cashier and pointed at the spiked bludger while mouthing charge it then raised his card.

The man chuckled silently and nodded his head as he immediately met with Safeiarrah after assisting the last customer. "What're you waiting for? Let's go. I still need to go with Hermione and Ginny to visit the muggle bake shop for their wedding cake." She called with her hand gesturing for him to come to her.

He obliged and grabbed their purchases after he stole a peck on her left cheek. "Oui, mademoiselle." He mocked with a grin that made her roll her eyes yet chuckled at his playfulness.

"I left your lunch in the fridge. Make sure to rinse the small containers, so it won't be hard for me to wash it when I get home." Safe announced as they exited the shop and entered the narrow street.

Fred nodded as he followed next to her. "I'll wash them for you, don't worry about it." He replied. She smiled faintly at his sweetness, biting her lips to hide her swarming butterflies inside her stomach. Everything has been well and both have been quite occupied with their work.

Diagon wasn't so crowded but it indeed was a bit windy than usual, especially that it was thirty minutes after noon, it wasn't something everyone would expect.

Her eyes darted to the jewelry shop. She gulped at the sight of engagement rings and pulled her gaze away. Fred bit his laughter upon noticing her expression. Her desire hasn't gone unnoticed, he knew how much Safe's been overwhelmed by the idea.

Her mind's been all over marriage because of Hermione's preparation for her wedding. She wanted one, she wanted one yet it felt wrong and right all at the same time. The incident with the Willows made her desire to marry Fred stronger, she didn't want him protecting any other woman than her.

Their hands intertwined, Fred's hand mainly covered her small one. Many shop owners who either took a small break from the crowd inside their shop or fixing the blown banners of their shop were out. The couple would greet people they knew or talk about a memory that a shop reminded them. It was a nice stroll through the busy alley.

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