36 | Unbreakable Vow

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"Safe." George mumbled after seeing her step inside the shop where the crowd either greeted her or shook her hand.

He swam through the customers as quickly as he could. A smile immediately flashed through her exhausted visage, "Hey, Georgie." She greeted him, her body flooded with anxiety.

She had one thing in mind. She barely fixed herself after the operation she had to do. The patient was apparently needing a new actual liver and that was one thing people in the wizarding world rarely encountered to do, to change freaking organs.

George placed his hands on her shoulders, rubbing it comfortably. Confusion ran through him, "Where's Fred?" He asked, looking behind her as his neck craned.

She smiled thinly, "He never came home?" She asked worriedly, guilt spread in her chest. Safe attempted to gape her mouth open to speak but she was too tired to even ask.

He never came home.

He left the white tulips in a hurry.

Words that left her mouth between her and Zeal were the same words she moaned to him.

Fred's not in his right mind.

Safe stared blankly far. I trust him. She told herself, trying to convince herself. She didn't even know and she— her mind stopped thinking. She shook her head lightly.

I trust him.

"Why don't you go upstairs and get some rest, yeah? He's probably just sleeping in his room." George suggested, directing her to the side hallway in the shop towards the stairs to the flat.

Safeiarrah sluggishly walked, her mind was disoriented, shattered from an all nighter she took after a patient from a bad disease became a handful.

George led them up, "Lee's out for a couple of hours and he'll be back, he can accompany you while Fred and I work down stairs. Rox seems to be doing well. She's been working all her shift—"

She stopped listening from the moment he began talking. His voice just automatically faded itself out of her ears. All she thought was how Fred did not come home last night. Whether he was alright or if he slept alright.

Part of her knew that Fred heard Zeal and Safe talk from a far. Funnily, his dirty mind would've been the main culprit. There were many situations where he thought George and Lee were having sex all because he heard Lee hissed out a curse while tapping on something made out of wood.

Safe sniggered subconsciously. She wasn't functioning well, all thoughts directed to Fred. Pulled from her trance when she bumped on George's chest, she promptly grabbed the railing of the stairs in fear that she would fall. "I almost fell, George. What's wrong?" She scolded, trying to look behind him.

He had turned around, facing her. George held her shoulders, diverting her gaze up at him. "Now that I think about it, why don't you wait in his office? He might be there now and just hiding from me." George's grip on her tightened. Please tell me you're buying it. He pleaded in his mind as he waited for her answer.

"What is it?" She directly asked. George knew he could never lie to Safe, she just knew that he was if he even attempted to.

He wanted to tackle a problem for her, just this once he didn't want her to be in pain. He was scared that she'd leave like before and he didn't want to lose a friend a second time. Let me handle it for you, please. He practically begged with his eyes. He wanted to do something, anything just to keep her from going up the stairs.

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