2 | Quick Trip

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[Safeiarrah= Sah • fey • yahr • rah]

[Safe= Sah • fee/ Seyf]


Safe woke up too early. She's gotten used to her disorganized body clock from her days in Medical school. After she freshened up and changed into something decent she headed to the kitchen.

There was no sign of Mrs. Weasley at all. I mean, what did this 22-year-old lady thought? It was three in the morning, dawn doesn't peak until quarter to five.

She had no intention in going back to Ginny's room. She was kicked out of her bed five times by Ginny. She tried sleeping on Ginny's bed but the young lady wouldn't just budge even in her sleep to let Safe sleep on her own.

Guiding herself inside Mrs. Weasley's kitchen she began making breakfast. She lived alone in Paris, it was natural for her to cook her own meal three times a day. And when she was too exhausted to cook, she'd order takeout from the nearest resto.

Mrs. Weasley has been kind to her. She received monthly food stock from her through owl. She doesn't have that many relatives. Safeiarrah was one of the few last trace of the Phoenixes. Her parents died from the first wizarding war and from then on she'd lived with her Aunt Torri in England. Her aunt had no desire whatsoever to have children herself so it was up to Safe to continue the line.

Time came quick and it was already quarter to five. Mrs. Weasley's eyes widened awake when she saw Safe in her kitchen. "Safe, dear! What are you doing?" she said.

"Breakfast?" Safe responded in confusion.

Mrs. Weasley wore her apron quick as she walked around the counter. "Heavens! You already made enough for the family! You must be exhausted."

She immediately shook her head in disagreement. "No, no! I feel fine! It was fun cooking. I loved doing it, well, more now that I wasn't only cooking for myself." Safe said as she looked down in faint embarrassment.

Mrs. Weasley only sighed and hugged her. "Well, it would've been exciting if I cooked with you. Ginny and Hermione are too busy to join me in the kitchen." Mrs. Weasley exclaimed.

Safe looked around the counter to see what she hadn't done yet. "Oh! I haven't made the bacon. I would love for you to make it, it's the easiest thing to do but I still end up burning them." Safe chuckled in her own embarrassing state. Besides, she preferred Mrs. Weasley's way of cooking the thin meat.

"Okay, dear. I'll make it perfectly made just for you. Now would you mind waking everyone up?" Mrs. Weasley said as she began washing her hands before waving her wand.

"Not at all." Safe replied and left the kitchen to Mrs. Weasley.

She decided that she'd wake them up from top to bottom. She was obviously biased towards the girls getting more sleep. Safe knocked on Ron's door. His room was close to the attic. The highest bedroom they had in the Burrow. No one answered. She had let herself in and saw two young men sleeping soundly.

"Harry... breakfast is ready." she muttered and she tapped his shoulder gently. Harry woke up immediately. "Good morning." she smiled so warm Harry smiled back subconsciously.

Safe stood up and walked to Ron's bed. "Ron...got you some fried chicken." she said and Ron was immediately up. Harry and Safe laughed to themselves. Safeiarrah always knew the best and fastest ways to wake up each and every heavy sleeper in the Burrow.

"I'll see you two downstairs, yeah?" she said before leaving the two to freshen up.

Percy was next, she knocked on his door. "Percy? Breakfast!" she said through the door. She heard footsteps towards the other side of the door.

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