7 | Safe Zone

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"Phoenix-Weasley presents... The Safe Zone!" Every customer in the shop applauded. Lee took a photo of Safe cutting the ribbon that blocked the shelf which contained all the new products that's appropriate for immediate healing. It contained individual products and a packaged kit that had all the products in one. Safe couldn't believe what the twins had decided to call her product line. She was swamped with product designs so she decided to leave the product line name to them.

It has been a month since they went out and all got wasted. The morning after was eventful. Turns out, no one remembered what happened the night before, except the part that Cedric was in the same bar. Ron didn't seem to remember. Fred had no problem with Lee knowing, and he felt like Safe wouldn't mind him knowing. Aunt Torri's been eyeing the two. Safe has no idea that Aunt Torri knows. The week after that Safe began working on her products while she went back and forth to Hogwarts. Hermione and Ginny have been visiting the flat more often to hang out with Safe.

Many healers, such as Madam Pomfrey, who just came back from her honeymoon, visited the Weasleys' shop much to her dislike, she came for Safe.

Safeiarrah had never felt more successful. She now understood why the twins decided to take this path. It was fulfilling. All her inventions, discoveries were put to use and shared out farther. Besides the healing products, Safe also published a thin book of spells that's relevant for healing magic that she had created herself.

The shop was crowded and noisy, it was the same as usual, but it was more special as the applause that drowned her ears were for her. The twins prepared a table where people can line up and get their copy of her book signed.

A familiar girl with ocean eyes placed her book down on the table. Safe was unaware at the moment as she was busy writing down some requests that people had in regards of the new healing products in the future. "Hold on a second, sweetie." Safe said.

Aila giggled upon hearing Safe's voice. Fred passed by the table and saw the girl. They both rolled their eyes at each other. Aila had visited the shop more often whenever she had the chance. Today was one of them. She pleaded to her parents to pick her up at Hogwarts for the day so she can get Safe's new products and get her book signed.

Safe looked up and immediately smiled. "Aila! I haven't seen you in a wh- wait. It's October. Did you skip school?" Aila only laughed at her.

"Shh... I had to see you! I can't miss this one! And today's Saturday! I'm not skipping anything!" She glanced to see if Fred was close. He wasn't. She leaned close to Safe. "I haven't seen you with the coward bloke right there." She nodded her head once to point at Fred.

Safeiarrah turned to see Fred who was conversing with a customer and smiling. It melted her heart. "He's always here in the shop. You sure you didn't see him?" She asked.

"No! I meant you and him! Together! SaFred!" Aila squealed a little. Safe narrowed her eyes.

"Sa- huh? Aila, what are you blabbering?" She began signing on her book, a little encouragement for her Hogwarts classes and to tell her to stop skipping school.

Aila stopped her before she began signing her name. "Safe and Fred, SaFred. You two! Together! You know, ship? That's the thing we talk about now a days." She was bewildered, she had no idea what this girl was talking about. Was she that old? Aila rolled her eyes. "A matchmaker! I like you two together. I like you and ginger git as a couple! I told you guys about my friends and they agreed with me!"

Safe couldn't believe any of the words this girl was telling her, yet her face turned beet red. She coughed to compose herself. "So what do you want me to sign? SaFred?" She asked casually, cheeks burning from the flattery.

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