32 | Up High

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Special thanks and credits to bestie translator a.k.a weasley_wh0re a.k.a the best Rox, for cowriting this chapter hehe, I love you so so much <3


Fred tugged the opening of his black suit jacket, looking up at the huge double doors from the bottom of the stairs. He exchanged looks with George who wore the same copy of suit, only less broad than Fred.

He lay his palm up, immediately accepted by the lady who wore a red one shoulder midi dress. Her red velvet stiletto stepped down on the stair. Strawberry strings flowed elegantly behind her back.

"Ready?" He asked with a mischievous smirk. He exchanged devious looks with George. They were known for such a great entrance, after all.

Safeiarrah bit inside her lower lip, adrenaline flowing into her heart and out. "When was I not?" She replied and walked up the stairs with Fred and George following behind.

Lucius Malfoy was conversing with Mr. Rosewood, laughing with other wealthy men of the wizarding world when one of the house elves came and tugged on his cape. "What?" He hissed with glowering eyes.

The elf flinched before continuing. "Ms. Phoenix, master." He bowed, lowering his head as much as he could.

All eyes were on Safeiarrah, she stood out with her youthful and intense aura. She was too powerful enough, but with the twins behind her made the scenery more intimidating and throat hitching, especially to those who seek her family's downfall.

Men looked at each other. The Phoenixes have never been on any small exclusive gatherings they had for years. "Looks like Torri's out of her cave. The woman's too inexperienced." Mr. Elliot exclaimed with a chuckle.

"This woman looks too young to be Torri. Is that Louis' daughter? What was her name again?"

"Wasn't it something with Sarah Celeste?"

"No, that was his wife."

"Safeiarrah." Lucius mumbled under his breath with clenched jaws.

She stood three feet away from Lucius who glared at her, leaning on his cane with a strong grip. "Evening, gentlemen." She smiled sugary, faint red lips curved with threat.

Her russet eyes met with Malfoy's pond eyes, a non-existent lightning formed between the two. Wrath and jealousy all clashed, and everyone remembered just how strong the competition between Phoenixes and Malfoys were.

Lucius broke eye contact, her burning iris were too much to stare, it was like fire that isolated his silvery ocean. He smiled and turned towards her properly. "I see that the heiress has finally grown into a fine woman." He looked past her. "And seems like you chose to make allies with the Weasleys." He chuckled mockingly, spitting the last name disgustingly.

He handed her a glass, people dispersing from the group. Safe accepted his offering, a calm visage yet galloping heartbeat. "Oh, Mr. Malfoy, you'd like to have them on your side too, don't you?" She sipped on her wine, the squeezed prune washing over her tongue, registering the sweet taste.

"Don't be so full of yourself, young lady. Most of the men around us lay their loyalty towards me. I rule this place. Your family is nothing but a silly memory, your money wouldn't get you anywhere." He smirked, smugly straightening his back.

Safe tilted her head with a concerning look. "Is it loyalty? Or is it power?" She took a quick glance and back to his shrinking pupils. "Let's test it, shall we?" She innocently smiled.

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