9 | Spooky Valentine

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⚠️TW: Self-harm⚠️


"No, we should give her a playful pink one. She's the life of the party, it'll make her noticeable."

"What? That's way off, Ginny. Sea blue is better. Safe's got soft heart, she should be wearing something that matches her energy."

"Lee, listen here. I'm a woman and I bought clothes with her. Playful pink is better, it suits her taste better."

"Ginny, women got bad taste too. You're one of those women. Safe bought your good clothes and she influenced you from there. I know way better fashion than you. Sea blue."



Everyone looked at Lee and Ginny argue about the color of the dress they would get for Safe's party. It's been two days since the incident with Safe. The next morning, Safe had no recollection of what happened, besides the fact that she smoked and ended up sleeping on the couch with Fred and Dior.

Fred called everyone, along with Ashton and Sumner, to the flat to plan for Safe's surprise party on Sunday. They're now on the topic of what theme they should do for the party. They've decided on a Halloween and Valentine's Day theme. Where people are asked to dress fancy for a date and will attend a Halloween themed bar. It was to honor Safeiarrah's birthday on October 14th, the month for Halloween, and the day for Valentine's day. Spooky valentine, as the twins would call it during their Hogwarts years.

Lee and Ginny had been arguing for the past five minutes. They were trying to decide the color of the dress they'd give Safe in the morning as a simple present to make her believe that nothing big was planned out and will only enjoy the night with the group.

"We're going with black." Fred exclaimed and gestured to Hermione to write it down on the parchment. She nodded and did as he said.

Lee and Ginny glared at him. "That doesn't even make sense! She barely wears black clothing!" Ginny exclaimed. Fred rolled his eyes at his obnoxious sister. She does underneath those clothes, she wears different shades of them everyday, least according to her they were. He thought to himself.

The plan so far was to give her a dress in acknowledgement for her birthday, then invite her to celebrate in a club that they'll be renting for the night, but she doesn't know about the renting. Lee and Ginny sat back down when they learned that what Fred had decided was the final decision.

Fred turned to Hermione. "What's next?" He asked. Safeiarrah's out to Hogwarts. It was also the best time for everyone as they all had less things to do for the day. Everything was coming along smoothly.

She pulled the parchment up for a better look. "Guests." She simply replied. Ashton and Sumner exchanged looks.

"Will it be okay for us to include friends from Paris?" Ashton asked while he fixed Dior on his lap who was fidgeting with a toy George gave him.

Lee straightened himself up and tapped George's thigh to listen. He's been dozing off after a night they had two. "It would be a pleasure to welcome them here. We'd like to meet some of her friends." He replied. Ashton smiled at him. They've gotten a bit close for the past days. The two couple always found interesting things with each other and was planning on going for a double date on Friday night.

"Yeah, I think Safe will enjoy having them over as well." George added while he wrapped his left arm on Lee's shoulders.

The rest nodded in agreement. Hermione, once again, scribbled on the parchment. "I can take care of the list. Ashton and Sumner can give me their list and I could make the cards." She said and received mixture of quick and slow nods.

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