55 | Remaining Spark

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"Where is she?" Fred exclaimed as a way of greeting the moment he stepped out of the fireplace.

Lee, who was wrapped inside George's arms, straightened up with narrowed eyebrows. "She who?" He asked, turning to George, who only shrugged.

Scanning around the room, "Safe." Fred turned to the couple, "Where is Safe?" He asked desperately.

"Ahh," George popped a chip inside his mouth. "At her temporary flat, where else? It's eight, so I assume she's resting." He replied without taking his eyes away from the tv.

Fred only nodded before making his way towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" Lee asked, turning his upper body towards Fred.

"To Safe. I need to talk to her." A huge grin on Fred's face before swinging the door open and slamming it shut.

George and Lee exchanged looks. "What was that all about?" George asked, giving the door an odd look. "He better not start another fight with her." He added as he situated back on his seat.

"And you ask why I chose you." Lee chuckled before cuddling closer and continued to watch the movie they put on.

The autumn trees danced along with the breeze. Safe's flat was quite the location, with Lee insisting she stayed close. It wasn't worth it for Fred, though.

Besides its awful closeness to Knockturn Alley, the flat itself seemed to be a cry for help. "I don't understand why a rich Phoenix is living in a place like this," Fred mumbled to himself as he walked up the creaky stairs.

Facing the oak wooden door, Fred raised his fist and knocked. A sudden speed of his heart startled him.

She needed to know. He wanted him to know.

As soon as the door opened, Fred looked up with a smile. "Safe," He greeted in relief.

"Fred," Safe reflected, an awkward smile meeting him. She opened the door enough for him to see her. "What are you doing here?" She asked, looking at his heaving stature.

"I wanted to tell you that..." Fred stuttered, tongue-twisting, mind empty. He looked up and took a sharp sigh.

"What?" Safe asked, impatient for what he was to offer.

Fred slipped his hands inside his pockets, "Oh fuck it." He sighed out and looked at her straight in her eyes. "Lynx and I are over. The moment she told you about the vow it was broken. She wasn't supposed to tell you about—" He spoke quickly, barely taking time to breathe on each pause.

"Hold on, Fred—"

"—the vow. You see, we agreed on not speaking about what the vow is to anyone. That's why I didn't tell you—"

"Fred, hear me out for a sec—"

"I'm so sorry about all the fuss I made, but I promise I didn't want to. I just had to. So, I guess what I'm saying is, we can be happy. Together. What do you say?" Fred licked his dried lips, bouncing a little as he waited for her response.

Safe, inhaling deeply, smiled at him awkwardly.

"Who is it, cherie?" Avi called, widening the gap of the door. "Fred! How nice to see you!" He exclaimed, pulling the man into a hug.

Fred looked at Safe only to see her guilty eyes, avoiding his gaze by looking down. "Hey, mate." He greeted after exiting the tight embrace. "I haven't seen you in a while," He added, giving Safe a short glance.

Avi nodded, stepping back in next to Safe and wrapping an arm around her waist. "Yeah, I've been busy at the hospital since our star healer's out." He briefly exclaimed as he squeezed Safe's waist gently.

Don't Give, Just Take | F. WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now