10 | Our History

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14th October, 1994

Safeiarrah silently read the book Hermione asked her to read to help her research more about the old triwizard tournament. "But why doe— Ow! What the—" She was cut off after being hit by something quite heavy with the impact.

Her eyes searched for a figure to blame. Someone threw a small box at her. She picked it up and gently open it. Safeiarrah had too much trauma from the twins pranking her twenty-four seven. The box had a pair of mismatched earrings. The other was a pumpkin and the other was a heart. Warm smile flashed through her lips. A note folded into the tiniest bit was under the square foam where the earrings hooked themselves.

Will you be my spooky valentine?

She giggled but placed the note between the pages. "So?" Her soul left her body upon hearing someone's voice. Fred who was above her, floating on his broom has been watching her the whole time.

"Heavens, Fred! Nearly gave me a heart attack!" She complained. Fred only chuckled at her.

"But what's your answer, Safe? Yes or no?" He landed in front of her, towering her tiny body.

Safe gulped and her face turned beet red. "Why are you even here? Don't you have practice to attend to?" She attempted to roll her eyes from focusing on her wilding heart. Fred wore his quidditch jersey and it always made her speechless. He always looked extremely hot in it no matter how much she told herself that he wasn't.

Fred smirked at her. "And aren't you supposed to be practicing with us? Mind you, Wood's been moody. Did you two fight?" He asked. Part of him was worried about Safe, but part of him was extremely happy about the idea of her relationship falling out.

Safe had been dating Oliver Wood secretly for quite a while. However, she'd found out that he only wanted to date her because she was pretty popular and jocks loved to be with a popular girl. Oliver wanted their relationship to be hidden, she never knew why until she heard him talk to a fellow housemate about Alicia and how he found her extremely appealing.

Oliver was caught sneaking out with Alicia. The worst case was Safe was the one who caught him. Alicia had no idea about her and Oliver, so she decided to just confront him. Alicia was innocent, and she was Safe's friend, she'd never do such thing to her. They fought about it and of course, Safe lost the fight. She never knew how to defend herself. Oliver told her to keep everything inside her and act like nothing happened between them. Because none really did. Safe was a reserved person, intertwined hands were her boundaries.

Safe smiled thinly. "I'm taking a break. Oli's got the captain role pretty well." Fred knew she was lying. He knew there was something wrong. But Safe would tell him if something was wrong. She always does and he'll wait for her until she's ready.

Fred nodded. "Alright, mate." He was about to mount his broom when he remembered his initial motive. "Oi! You didn't answer my question! Sneaky woman." He exclaimed.

Safe laughed hysterically to avoid his gaze. She had hope that he would forget about his question. "But... what about Angie?" She asked looking away to avoid feeling embarrassed as her cheeks began to match with his hair.

In the beginning of this year, Fred told Safe that he likes Angie and wants to ask her out. She felt her throat dry and heart race at the same time. She had a crush on him since last year but they were best friends and she doesn't want to lose him, so she'll keep her feelings inside until it goes away.

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