51 | Golden Parchment

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Avi kicked the door close, grunting at the impact of his body mixed with its slam. His lips left a simmering brush on Safe's skin, trailing over her jaw from time to time.

Safe didn't wait any longer, unbuttoning his shirt with so much force that a few of it popped out and trickled on the wooden floor. Her body pinned on his, aching for friction.

They moved further into her flat, stumbling on knickknacks that sat in the hallway. When they reached the living room, lights were already greeting them.

Safe's eyebrows immediately creased at the brightness over her closed eyelids and a loud yelp escaped her mouth when she saw the people who sat in the living room. "What the hell are you all doing here?!" She gasped, a hand on her chest as she heaved.

Zeal, Ametrine, Fred, and George were all in the living room, drinking tea. "Must have been a hell of a meeting," Am smiled cheekily, raising a brow towards Avi's exposed chest.

Zeal was quick to notice and covered her eyes protectively, "Fix your shirt, my girl will leave me if you don't." He rambled in a pout.

Safe's eyes widened and promptly closed Avi's shirt, facing him, she tiptoed to reach his left ear. "Your spare clothes are in the third drawer." She softly whispered.

Avi kept his laughter to himself and nodded, kissing her lips once before he turned around. "I'm sure you just don't want Am to see how much you love me, Zeal." He waved his hand before disappearing into Safe's room.

"Oh yeah, I'd love to give a taste of that!" Zeal mockingly retorted, laughing at his own joke. He had to stop as his sight landed on Fred who tightly held the handle of his cup.

Safe pursed her lips and grabbed a seat next to George on the sofa, her eyes searched for Fred's expression but she only read nothing but boredom.

Why was she searching for it anyway?

"You still haven't answered my question." She said, still trying to crack Fred's unreadable face through subtle glances. "Why are you here? This is my flat and a little privacy would've been nice," She rolled her eyes, leaning against the cushions as she constantly peeked on her peripheral.

"Oh, I needed to talk to you," George replied, turning himself to face her direction. He was worried about his twin but his goal was to talk to Safe and he specifically asked Fred if he'd be okay to see her, so none of the things that just went was in his hands to control.

Safe's brows creased, "Did something happen?" She asked worriedly, a second glance at Fred. Her heart pounded inside her chest with so much force.

She didn't feel quite comfortable around Fred. At least not how she used to. The feeling was new, odd. But Safe wanted to hold their friendship, or what their relationship had anything left for them.

"Well," George's ears blended with his hair, eyes wandering around except to her. "You see, remember how I told you over a year ago that I wanted to propose to Lee..." He studied her expression.

Safe stood up, hands covering her mouth as the joy pumped into her heart.

"I'm engaged."

"You're engaged!" She echoed, a wide smile layering over her face. "Oh, my—Merlin's," Trickle of tears began to roll down her cheeks as she sniffed the happiness she felt for George and for Lee.

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