49 | Horrible Hello

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🔲62 Aimé Lavy, Paris🔲

Safe kicked the back of Zeal's left knee as she stood behind him. He exactly fell face forward as the elevator dinged open.

"Fuck you, Celeste." He hissed as he pushed his body up with his arms.

"Oh? Was that your leg? My bad." She grinned smugly and stepped over him as if she was innocent. A to-go coffee cup in her hand, walking triumphantly away from her friend.

Well, it has been happening for a month now, Zeal would find a way to get her off guard and prank her.

A week ago he placed a strong glue on her seat. Two weeks ago he gave her a shot of vinegar instead of vodka. And three weeks ago he made sure that all her paperwork was written in Korean, which she only finished yesterday.

And all of it was because she made him work overnight during his day-off and totally blocked his date with Ametrine, which he was blabbing about days prior. A total petty one.

On her way to her office, she saw Avi who was leaning against the door frame of his office, a grin and narrowed brows over his face.

"What?" Safe challenged, earning surrendered arms from the guy.

"I should probably help, Zeal... He looks like he needs some saving." Avi exclaimed, pointing at Zeal who gathered the papers that scattered on the floor.

Safe rolled her eyes, "Oh, please. I'm your boss, not him." She said, taking a halt as she faced Avi.

She looked at him up and down, a brow raising as she took in his image. His black slacks and navy blue crewneck long sleeve was one of the simplest things he wore and yet looked devouring-ly good in them.

"Technically, he would have the dibs on firing me before you do, so I better not sabotage my job." Avi saw her eyes rolling, a small grunt that escaped her lips made him chuckle as he slightly tilted his head down.

He walked closer to her, a cheeky smile over his face. "We still up for later?" He asked casually, towering over her.

Avi loved it. The view of her gorgeous face looking at him with criticism. As if he was looking up instead of down. The way Safe made him feel completely small. He could never understand the feeling. He just loved it.

She smirked deviously, "If you don't help the prick," Her head tilted for a second to refer to Zeal. "Maybe," She shrugged and began her way to her initial destination. A triumphant chill washed over her even if it was just the air conditioning finally getting through her clothes.

For the past months she has been going out on dates with Avi... walking down the streets in the cold dead of night, going to a club where they bantered on who would take home who amongst the crowd, hand holding, making out, and more...

But for the first time in a while she felt really good whenever they go out and chat and make out. She felt good flirting with someone she didn't consider to be a person she'd treat as family or bound to be a friend.

Avi watched her walk away with a challenged smile as he pushed his tongue on his inner left cheek. Zeal was already in front of him with a disappointed stare when he turned around. His hands stretched out, "Sorry, I like going on date nights." He defended and felt a huge roll of paper smack on his head.

"Why don't you enjoy over time as well, huh?" Zeal sneered and headed to his own office that was located close to Safe's. He glared at Safe who just opened her office and...

Loud explosions erupted in her office. She was barely halfway in when she stepped inside the door. Smoke caked in her room as well as the powder that had her closing her eyes.

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