16 | Down Side

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WARNING!!! Sexual content.


Safe's head throbbed as she listened to the immature brunette who whined about the complaints that the patients gave her, as if Safeiarrah had the time to bash her behind her back. Her eyes tightly closed, the higher the woman's pitch the more she wanted to punch her in the face.

Angelina snapped her fingers in front of Safe. "Hey! Listen to me!" She shrieked. Her face reddish purple from all the irritation she's been feeling.

Hannah couldn't take it any longer. She sat across Angelina and she has been complaining about something that doesn't even go under the issue they're discussing about. "Why don't you stop being a slutty snake towards the patients, maybe they'll stop rating you that way?" She sarcastically said.

The whole group of young healers giggled or sniggered. It wasn't just the patients who felt uncomfortable around Angelina. She has been bossing around people despite her working under Safe. "As if people loved you so much, Hannah. I'm sure you and Safe have the worst review than I did, and you know it's true so you couldn't complain against it. Whilst I think I deserve good ratings." Angelina scoffed.

They're all being reviewed at St. Mungo's. Their performances being reviewed will be the reference for the hospital to know which wizard or witch has the ability to cope up with the pace they had in healing urgent injuries, knowing that it's a huge and busy hospital doesn't really suffice for their administration.

"Enough. This is a meeting about the current surge of an unknown disease. We have to shut it down before it becomes a big problem. Focus on our patients and not ourselves. Refrain from any self-centered mannerism." Safeiarrah calmly reminded them. She turned to her left where Angelina was scowling at her silently. "Ms. Johnson, please file a professional report of such complaints and I will look over it." She plainly said and prepped herself to switch back to the main issue.

The brunette rolled her eyes and mimicked Safe but she did stopped whining. "Do you think it's from a dragon?" A guy who had an average slim body asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement. "Most likely, but the question is which one?" A woman slightly older than the rest added.

Safe sighed, she doesn't believe it's a dragon at all. "It's completely unknown. The best we could do is to observe their symptoms. Luckily for us, there's a wide range of ages. We can discover how much it affects them based on that. Our job is to make sure they are getting the extensive focus we have and that they're feeling comfortable." She explained and began fixing the files of each patients.

They had nothing. They were clueless as much as the family of the patients are. However, they had to be understanding of what the family might be feeling. They must be worried and in fear whether their loved one was going to live or slowly drift before their eyes. Despite them being exhausted from all the work they've been doing, Safeiarrah respectfully insisted to hold a meeting regarding the topic.

"No trace. And you call yourself a head matron, you don't even know what's happening." Angelina mocked. Safe ignored her hypocritical snarky remark. She doesn't have time to deal with her.

The woman across Angelina laughed mockingly. "And you do?" Hannah asked. Angelina remained silent with gritted teeth. "Yeah, keep it shut." She added before fixing her parchments as well.

There has been a surge of ailment that's beginning to arise. The five wizards and witches that appeared to be with the same disease all had difficulty distinguishing their time frame. Some settle their mindset during their childhood, some to their desired future, and some settling on a time frame that they weren't even a part of. That's their only symptom, and it stresses Safe out the most. They had no trace or any symptoms that it's a contagious or deadly illness just yet...

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