18 | Willow Hoax

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WARNING!! Sexual harassment, drugs, and violence!!!!!

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January 5th, 2002, 6:26 AM, Leaky Cauldron

"Safe! Forget about it! Harry, help me stop her!" Ginny tried her best to pull Safe back but even her extreme quidditch training did not help her stop Safe from barging through the Leaky Cauldron.

"Don't you dare try and stop me." Safe exclaimed as she rolled her sleeves up her arm. Her skin seared like lava with the steam she was feeling. "I'm going to fuck that bitch's face up and none of you, none. of. you. will convince me otherwise." She seethe as her eyes roamed from door to door.

"What's gotten into her?" Neville asked as he followed with Harry. Safeiarrah asked him where a Ms. Vemrush Willow was staying, tightly crumpling the card she held in her hands.

Neville held Safe's arms back with Ginny. Her madness took over her. She was a storm that came crashing down the shore. She was shaking with anger. "Let go!" She exclaimed and aggressively pulled her arms from the two.

Ginny grabbed her arms again. "Safe, let's think this through. We should call Fred. Come on, calm down." She pleaded but it was in and out from ear to ear for Safe.

Neville wrapped his arms around her. "I don't know the reason but you need to calm down, Safe." He gently said. He winced as he felt her elbow his diaphragm. Damn, she's strong! He whined to himself.

"Harry James Potter! Help us the fuck out!" Ginny screamed at Harry who remained silent and was in fact, in favor of what Safeiarrah was planning on doing. He was raging mad as well but he was more composed than Safe.

Safe gripped Neville's wrapped arms with her nails that immediately dug into his skin. He was thankful that each room had soundproofing charms or else guests would be confused and bothered. Hannah might just kill him herself if the unknown disease wouldn't.

His arms loosened after not being able to take the sharpness of her nails. She walked with emphasis each breath purposely cursed at the person she's been searching for.

One minute Safe was going out of the kitchen in the Burrow and the next she was at the Leaky Cauldron wrecking havoc at six thirty on a Saturday morning. Ginny pulled Safe's arm once more but was only thrown away when Safe pulled her right arm.

Her russet raged with mad fire. Heart raced two hundred miles per hour, if that was even possible. Her nose steamed as she huffed, searching for the room she's been meaning to kick open. I will not tolerate that bitch anymore. She told herself as her steps thudded on the wooden floor of the hallway.

Harry caught up with her and finally pulled her back. "Safe, it's alright, it was an accident." He triggered a memory that she never wanted to remember ever in her life.

Safe stopped and turned to him. "Nothing's ever an accident when the Willow twins are involved." She stated with great emphasis and disgust. "Let. Go. Of. Me." She said with her low dulcet tone that pushed authority. Shivers ran through the three's spine. She never looked this scary in the amount of time they've known her.

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