34 | Tedious Hours

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⚠️WARNING: Contains sexual content on the spot.⚠️

"Ohh... fuck." Fred groaned as Safe stroked his twitching cock, tearing up from over stimulation and literal pain in his ass.

Safe smirked as he arched his back, unintentionally pulling the handcuffs that was twisted on the head of the bed. "Told you they bite." She whispered next to his ear after hearing him whine at its tightness, and as she pushed further the purple phallic into his hole.

Fred was on his knees, hands cuffed on the header, gripping on the rail tightly, the ring on his fingers made it more painful for him. His body glistened with sweat and oil, and all his freckles and scars were highlighted by the moonlight.

She traced his arched spine, kneeling on his side as if he was a small table. "You like that?" She asked with an evil smile.

The darkness throbbed his vision, with the red satin blindfold that wrapped around his head it was sure that he would find it hard to see things clearly when it's removed.

"Safe, wait... please, I want to be inside of you, please." He begged, regretting his actions back down in the shop hours ago.

She tutted, "Tu m'as désobéi, chérie. Tu sais que je déteste quand tu le fais. N'étais-je pas clair?" She began to move the object in her hand faster, scraping his insides with pleasure and momentary pain from time to time.

He bit his bottom lip, tugging on the restraints, tightening it and whining louder from its bites. His leg trembled at her pace, it shook even more when she began to give his dick attention by firmly stroking it at the pace he loved the most.

No matter how much he pleaded to get his turn she refused. It was the deal. He had to behave. Yet him beating up their potential client from jealousy obviously broke his promise to not make a mess while they're in the meeting.

Cloth soaked from his tears. He was reaching up his zenith but his crave to cum inside of her tight cunt was more of his bait to refrain from coming.

Safe knew his plans. She chuckled as she felt his body tense, refusing to relax and go down from his mind blowing high. She leaned close to his ear once more, "If you come for me, I'll let you use fuck me in the ass." She seductively mutter, licking her lips at the sound of his whimpers.

"Wait— really? Fuck–" His spine was nearly close half the moon. Hearing her words only encouraged his lustrous mind to take any chances just for him to be able to fuck her in his command.

She replied with a sharper pace, his cock on its straightest erect state. A little more persuasion and he shot his semen on the cotton sheet beneath him. "Shit, shit... that feels good... ohh—" He was breathless, his asshole stinging from the size of his pleasure.

Fred twitched when she pulled it out, pulling on the handcuff as a request to be set free. "Down, handsome..." She commanded, softly and authoritatively at the same time.

Safe released the poor pup, eagerly removed his blindfold and jounced to tackle her with hungry kisses. Only thing he needed was a tail to wag each time she let him have his fun, bed wise.

"You're so fucking gorgeous..." He mumbled, pulling away as he wiped her lips. "Why are you so fucking gorgeous?" And so it goes... the beast unleashing from it's spellbound cage.

He grabbed her hands, pushing them up the headboard. The clicks of the silver metal sent shivers down Safe's soaked cunt. He kissed her jaw, then her cheeks, then back down to her nook. "Mon tour." The pitch of his voice changed, became evil and devious than the sound of his pleas minutes ago.

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