3 | Bon Appétit

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Safeiarrah fell on the bed, purposely. She bounced a little from the impact it had done. She finally finished cleaning the room she'd be staying in on the twins' flat.

They were still busy downstairs. It was only four fourteen in the afternoon. She was almost late at her meeting with Dr. Stern because of her and Fred's act.

She sat up with her eyes widened, cheeks flushed red, and her heart pumped twenty miles per hour. "Muffliato." She quickly casted before screaming on top of her lungs.

"Merlin's sake! What the hell did I just gotten myself into?!" She shouted as she rolled on her bed. The zoo in her stomach couldn't synchronize with her heart. Both made her tremble but not as much as he made her do. She had to cast five spells to stop herself from trembling. Five spells were a lot for Safeiarrah.

He was her first. She'd known so much things, learned so much and she practiced them all with Fred. Of all people she could've, she did it with Fred.

Her face buried in her pillow, she squealed to all her heart's content. And when she stopped she sat up. Putting her left hand on her forehead to pull her hair back. She felt extremely warm inside, specially her cheeks.

"What would Mrs. Weasley think? She'll think that I'm a whore for fucking her child! Oh my god! What am I going to do? What the hell Safeiarrah Celeste Phoenix! You're so embarrassing! You haven't been with them for more than two days! You barely came back!"

She was so focused in scolding herself that she ended up jumping from shock when she heard someone knock. She removed the silencing charm and fixed herself.

The door revealed George from the other side of the room. A small relief washed her inside. "Hey, George. Need somet-" She asked as she swung the door open but was cut off.

He pulled her out of her room and down to the store. It was a spiral staircase going down so she had to pace herself and focus on not falling as the ginger head pulled her.

When they got near the explosive enterprises section of the store, people were gathered around the shelf. Safe smelt the powder used for the explosive products. Her healer instincts kicked in, like a hot black coffee she used to drink to wake herself up between rounds in the muggle hospital she worked at.

"Let me through, excuse me!" George said as he pulled Safe to the middle of the circle. She couldn't believe the number of people gathered. The business really boomed so much than the last time she was here, well, it was four years ago before the war.

A girl, age thirteen, was lying on the floor bleeding. Fred leaned the girl on the side of his chest. "Oh, thank goodness! Safe, she's bleeding!" Fred exclaimed in panic. His face was pale and Safe noticed Fred's shaking hands.

Safe, like usual, tied her hair up in a low ponytail effortlessly. She kneeled on the floor in front of Fred.  Her hand gently placed itself between Fred's hand, covered it with warmth and directly on the girl's back, each half of her palm comforted both. "Hello. I'm Safe, you are?" she addressed to the girl who was panicking in pain. Safe smiled at her warmly as she felt the state of the girl's leg. Open fracture, fibula's broken four centimeters to the right from the middle. She thought to herself identifying what kind of injury she's mending.

The girl was bleeding from an open fracture on her left leg. The impact was too strong that her bone pierced out of her skin. "I-I'm Aila." she sobbed. Her ocean eyes fixed panicked on her bleeding leg. She also had gotten pale from shock and blood loss.

Safe knew what she had to do, but the girl might just panic and injure herself even more if she told her what her plan was. It was illegal to take action on someone's open fracture when the stakes of loosing their leg was high. Yet, she wasn't in the muggle world. She turned to the girl again. "Alright, Aila, are you familiar with the patronus charm?" she asked.

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