61 | She Waited

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Warning: Last Chapter


A/N: I suggest that everyone listen to Don't Blame Me by Taylor Swift

Here she was again. Sat at a two-person table, waiting for someone to fill the seat across her. Something about the ache in her heart made her smile... It was for the best. She thought to herself. She may not have made the smart decision, but it was the right decision.

Avi may have been the love she was searching for, but it wasn't what she wanted. He deserved more than what she could offer him. Letting him go was painful, but it wasn't heartbreaking. And as she watched him leave the seat across her, she knew she was doing the right thing. He would find someone who would love him the way he loved her. Safe strongly believed that.

Safe let out a soft chuckle. "I must have a habit of ending things in a fancy place." She said to herself, chugging down the last drops of her drink.

"Would you like to have more wine, Miss?" Asked the waiter with a sweet smile.

Safe held her glass forward, "Thank you." She said softly. And as she waited for the red liquid to fill the glass, her heart was inflated with so much joy.

It wasn't because she was down for another drink. It was because of the man across the glass. His flustered face that matched the color of his hair. His tall stature that barely fitted the small glass. He was sweating, telling her how he must've run instead of apparating or at least taken a muggle form of transportation. He clearly didn't use his head again. Typical.

She didn't move an inch. She waited. Safe waited for him to naturally find her in the crowd. This was what she had dreamt since the moment she fell for him, after all. For him to finally see her. The person she wanted to become and not the person he wanted to keep in a tiny box.

And when their eyes met the world stopped. Cliché but he found her. Fred almost flew towards her, gasping for air as he stood beside the seat across her. Safe could only smile, sipping from her glass as if he wasn't choking from his own air in front of her. She waited for him to gather himself.

"Safe," Fred finally spoke. He went closer, clutching the little object in his hand. He raised his head and looked deeply into her eyes, "I love you." He has never seen such a sweet and warm smile from her ever before. Granted, she always smiled with so much love, but never the way she was doing right now.

A soft nod "I know," Safe said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Me too." She added not long after. She may have looked collected in front of him, but she was screaming with happiness inside. She wanted to jump and embrace him right there and then, but she knew too well he had more to say to her. So she waited.

Like lightning, every single feeling she felt for him came in an abrupt wave. The way he made her laugh. Only her love for him would make her laugh over his lame jokes. The way he made her cry in sorrow. Only her love for him could gather so much pain.

Fred was lost for words, and now that he was standing in front of her, his mind went blank. With the words gone, he compensated with the only way he could tell her what he wanted to say. He held the tiny ring between his huge hands and kneeled in front of her.

Safe wiped a tear off her cheek and nodded eagerly, "Yes." She joined him on the carpeted floor with a tight embrace. "Yes," She repeated, wiping the silent tear on his cheek and letting him slip the ring on her finger. She nodded once more, sniffing, "Yes."

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