39 | Tightest Rope

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"I don't understand why I'm even going with you, Ronald. Do you know how tiring it is to carry a child? She's barely big and she's already draining the life out of me."

Everyone awkwardly kept silent as Hermione rambled over how Ron woke up late even after three times she'd woken him up. Harry, Zeal, and Safe sat tight-lipped. Zeal drove the Granger-Weasleys' car assigned by the cranky mother, Safe on the passenger seat drowned in her thoughts, whilst Harry sat in the right side of the back seat where he completely didn't need an invisible cloak to be ignored.

Ron began massaging Hermione's temple, his left arm sat around her shoulders. "I'm sorry, honey. Let's just calm down, alright? It's good for you to get some sun. Not everyday, the Phoenixes invite us to a wedding by a shore or to a wedding at all, you know." He softly convinced her, keeping his hands pressure on her temple constant and gentle.

"Yeah, 'Mione... bet you'd see some shells you'd most likely already know the names of." Harry exclaimed, pushing his glasses further up. He froze momentarily, immediately regretting the way he involved himself in the conversation.

Safe and Zeal's eyes widened in front as they exchanged glances of how much Harry's attitude would pretty much be the cause of his death. Zeal kept himself from tittering while Safe gave him a stern look to control himself before he got skinned while driving.

Hermione leaned forward to look over Harry. Her hands were gently placed on her stomach, attempting to emit a kind aura, although it wasn't working. "Are you mocking me?" She asked with an irritated smile.

Harry kept his back towards the married couple, turning his head a bit more facing the window. "No." He mumbled quietly, realizing how much he had just pissed her off.

"Mind you that I am still capable of using my wand that I will not hesitate to use, Harry. Is that helpful information?" Hermione scoffed, fanning her face using her hand.

They were on their way to Torri and Sky's new home. It was close to a sea shore where they had decided to have a simple wedding with close friends. Although the ceremony won't happen until another week passes, they all asked them to come early to celebrate a last minute engagement party.

Safe straightened her back, drowning the sound coming from behind her. As the view below the flying car quickly shifted, the sight of striped colors from the speed Zeal was flying on thinned, and her mind was off to the fact that she'd have to face Fred.

A month... and through that month all they did was function like strangers. They would eat on the dinner table, they would bump on each other, but they would never engage in a conversation or attempt to look at each other. Her mind was conflicted and she couldn't rely on her heart, not at the moment, the situation was too much to bear.

Not a word came out of their mouths even if they tried to. "Safe. Safe!" The woman was aggressively pulled out of her trance when Harry kicked the back of her seat while Hermione called out her name.

She whipped her head around, slightly turning her upper body. "Sorry, I'm a little exhausted. Can I help you?" Safe asked, pulling herself all together.

"Why didn't you ride with Fred? Ginny could've joined us on our way here, you know." Hermione asked as she smiled brightly at the woman.

Hermione has been behind closed doors during her pregnancy. She has been staying at their home as she attempts to finish paperwork or read to get out of her boredom. She has no idea what was happening between Safe and Fred, and they thought she didn't need to know either way.

"Fred and George were needed at the manor early, I had to finish some things before I went." Safe wasn't lying at all. Torri asked for the twins to come early to help Sky over something she didn't bother to know and she did have to finish some things while the twins were gone from the flat.

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