11 | Feather Weight

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Safe stood up from her throne. Dr. Bleau who tried to push her back on her seat was aggressively brushed aside by Safe. He almost fell on the floor, she didn't have the patience to deal with the suck up man. Cedric followed her with his gaze. He knew from then that he will never have a chance with this wonderful woman.

Russet eyes flamed like the burning oak wood in the Burrow's fireplace. She made her way towards the harpy that was never welcome in her den in the first place. Her drunken anger made her bolder.

Fred pushed Angelina from kissing him. He was shocked and disgusted in some wretched way. Angelina looked at him seductively as if he was a prey, but before she could even curl half of her lips into a smirk Safe had yank half of her hair and threw her across the floor.

Angelina yelped in pain as her body had hit the floor. The music began to lower, the lights still flashing, matching on beat with Safe's wild heart. "Leave. Now." She said with a respectable yet authoritative. She was burning Angelina with her glares.

Fred who stood up behind Safe, close enough, anticipating what she would do next. He saw a glance of Safe's seethe filled eyes before she turned around to throw Angelina away like a crumpled parchment. Ginny jolted up that caused Harry to stand up in shock as well.

Angelina smirked at Safe and stood up. "Don't be petty, Safe." She made it look like she was calm and unfazed when her body trembled up on her feet.

Safe giggled mockingly. "If you want to make a scene, you show one, never tell." She said and cracked her knuckles, her left hand stung but her madness was above all else.

The sound of her knuckles and her body standing firm on the floor made her look extremely attractive. The worst time to feel himself twitch was exactly that moment. Fred watched as Safe's slim form enhanced as she posed her body calmly from Angelina's dagger glares.

"Bitch!" Angelina went and attempted to jump on Safe. It was all too quick. Angelina let out a loud groan as she fell on the floor the second time. People did not try to catch her at all. They just divided themselves in half, leaving space for Angelina to fall on.

Fuck. Fred thought to himself. He gulped three times. That was fucking hot. His lust had already taken over him. Influenced by alcohol, he felt his body shiver in ecstasy. He groaned silently as he fixed his eyes directly at Safe. Watching her leg that was bare from the slit on the dress made his cock hard-on. He hated himself for feeling such a thing but Safe's dark side turned him on at the edge.

Safeiarrah had kicked Angelina with her right foot, making sure Angelina felt the damn heel stabbing her on her stomach. "You better watch your mouth, Angel." She shook her head and tutted. People gasped, no, scratch that. Safe's old friends gasped from surprise. She was known to her gentle, soft heart, she healed people, she never caused pain. In contrast to her French friends, who grinned in entertainment, for they had taught her the things she knew. The woman was a fast learner.

Safe walked with elegance and badness spilling from her bones. She tilted Angelina's chin up with her right toes, the heel pointed at the middle of her collarbone. "Safe! That's enough! She's just probably drunk!"

Soft evil chuckles echoed in the club and no one bothered to say a word. Safe placed her foot off and turned to Alicia. "Sweetie, stop being ignorant and open those eyes of yours for further observation. Please... I insist for you to stop, for your own good." Her upper body twisted a bit to see Alicia's face better. "Sobriety doesn't make you a whore. If you are one at heart, you're bound to act like it."

Angelina took the chance to stand up once again and attempted to yank Safe's hair while she conversed with Alicia. But like any of her first attempt, she failed.

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