30 | At Home

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Emma sat on the rug, a bit uncomfortable as she fidgeted and repositioned herself. Her disorganized guts be the culprit of her suffering, she repeatedly rolled her ocean crystal eyes that matched beautifully with her golden strands as she felt Wyatt's hand on her thigh.

It was the third day after the international ball, and the couple were welcomed in the twins' small home over the days they're going to spend time in London. "You alright there, mate?" George asked, drinking his tea as Safe placed a plate of toasts on the table.

Safe bit her bottom lip, imprisoning her small snickers as she watched Emma's face attempt to deny her discomfort pleasure. "I'll wake Fred and Lee." She announced and went to George's room first.

"I heard you were a beater? Celeste always told us about you and Fred. She would never stop talking about two gingers who pranked her all the time." Emma conversed, casually removing Wyatt's hand off her.

George grinned boastfully. "Always thought someone got me and my brother stuck on their tongue, never thought it'd be Safe." He took a bite of the toast. "I was. It was loads of fun." He responded to the question.

Lee came down with his dreadlocks tied into a slow ponytail. "Emma." She introduced herself with a bright smile and waiting hand. "I don't think we introduced ourselves properly."

He returned the gesture and nodded the idea off. "Name's Lee, and it's no problem. Have a good night's rest?" He asked, smacking George's hand from stealing the bacon he just placed on his plate.

She looked away, gulping down the air that formed a lump in her throat. "Yeah, felt at home." She took her goblet and sipped on her pumpkin juice.

Wyatt smirked to himself, creeping his hand back to her thigh. "How long have you been together?" He plainly asked, earning two sets of widened eyes. They never saw Lee that much, whenever he came to the flat he went straight to George's room to rest. Any form of intimacy between the two was not seen. "You live with the Clavettes, and you'll pick up things in a different manner." He added with a small chuckle.

George wrapped his arm around Lee with a grin. "Almost two. You two seem to be a long one as well." He nodded to refer to them. Lee shrugged his heavy arms off him and playfully scoffed.

Emma and Wyatt exchanged smiles, turning to the across couple. "Four." He replied, moving his hand on her small resting hand on her lap.

In contrast, Safe tapped Fred's cheek as she woke him. "Freddie... breakfast. We'd be on a long ride, you need to eat." She whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek.

He groaned in discomfort, pulling her down on the bed and wrapping her with his whole body. "Fredrick." She giggled, tapping his chest multiple times. "We can't be late, you know that."

Fred rolled his eyes under his lids, pouting his lips towards her which she found adorably annoying. "Fred, stop playing around." He shook his head and tightened his wrap around her.

"I'm not getting out of this bed until you cast the password." He mumbled, voice raspy and spine tingle-r. His hands traveling up and down her back, squeezing her ass once or twice each time his hand passed it. His freckled chest glistened in the sunlight, messy copper hair felt done just right.

With the short silence that ate them, Safe studied him, his beautiful features that she didn't notice after being so hypnotized by his voided chocolate eyes. They were always the most attractive part of Fred, at least for her. None of his muscular build made her tiptoe and tease him the first time they met after years. A scar under his right pectoral was eye catching.

Her slim fingers traced it, earning a smile to form on his lips. It was a letter W with an S in the middle of it, merged together beautifully. "It never went away?" She whispered, only expected to converse with herself.

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