44 | Lovely Traitor

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The weight of the trunk pulled Safe's arms off her shoulders. She grunted at the momentary misery she was in. "I told you I could just do it for you." Zeal interjected the silence as he came back to her office.

"I need to get my strength back. I've been laying down most of the week." Safe exhaled slowly, placing a hand behind her back at the short hit of pain. She was able to place her trunk on top of her desk, after what felt so long. Her lungs inflated and deflated, little by little, following her normal rhythm.

Zeal shrugged his shoulders, messily pushing his sleeves up his arms. He placed his hands over his hips, gasping for air after his fifteenth trip carrying boxes. Thick layer of sweat taped on his forehead as he lifted a box from the floor. "No one said you had to rush." He said in a smarty tone, earning an eye roll from Safe.

She drummed her fingers on the trunk, a heavy sigh escaping her throat. "Is the food coming? I'm starving! That small technology thing of yours should be useful. I might just suggest it to the wealthy people, they'd surely be surprised." She playfully whined, grabbing a lighter box from the tall piles that swept the whole office.

Hannah then came into the room with her hair up in a ponytail. "Woah..." She fanned her left hand towards her face. "You expect Angelina and I to be in this place? This is hell." She exclaimed in a dramatic voice, earning laughter from the two. The heat glided over her pale skin and the short sleeves of her shirt weren't enough to reduce the roaring wave.

"Think how it was for me, I was here for two months and I was like a mug of frozen butterbeer inside an oven." Zeal replied, scoffing towards Safe's voice. He shook his head, flowing sweats on the tip of his hair everywhere like a dog. It trickled down his neck, soaked with sweat and dry with heat all at the same time.

Angelina then came in with a box in her hands. Her face did the same expression as Hannah once she entered the room. "See that? Exactly that." Hannah laughed out loud while pointing towards Angelina.

Safe rolled her eyes as she shook her head, a smile shaped her lips perfectly crescent. "It is summer, Hannah. What do you expect? And it's almost done, it's just the room itself that's really made to be warm." She giggled, throwing a crumpled paper towards her friend who gathered the other things that were considered useless.

The brunette shivered at the fear she felt. "How is it so hot in here? Bloody hell, Safe. How did you survive this place?" Angie placed her box on top of the tall tree file drawers. She went close to the fan that sat close to Safe's desk.

Her roots felt damped as Safe dragged all her strands up into a messy bun. Sleeves, much like Zeal's, were pushed up her arms—except that it was folded nicely and organized compared to the state of Zeal's sleeves. "Well... spells are quite the good solution. But Zeal suggested having this air conditioner thing that they use in muggle malls." Safe said, going out of the room. She wore her sneakers for the day, only necessary from all the loads she has been carrying for the past three hours before twelve in the noon.

She walked a little and came inside the room that was mainly empty, besides the boxes she and Zeal had been moving back and forth. "The food's coming, Uncle Luther said he'd help too. He said and I quote," He cleansed his throat, a loud fist bump on his chest as he lowered his voice a few octaves lower. "'I should get to know my new boss' good side.' The old man's bringing us the food." Zeal placed the small machine—from what Safe remembered was called a mobile phone—inside his pocket.

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