50 | Fates Collide

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"How do you like Paris?"

Safe shifted on her seat, straightening her back as Avi got on the driver's seat. She heard the leather seat behind her squeak on Fred's weight coming in contact.

Whilst Avi reached on the seatbelt by the door, giving her a sweet smile. "Pretty isn't it?" He added with small grunts as he shifted his body.

She only smiled softly in return, easing her shoulders that had been tensed since the moment Avi and Fred finally met.

Avi was a good guy. He always had time to listen to take a long pause for her to let everything out before giving her a response. He would understand if she told him that Fred was her ex-boyfriend. She was sure it wouldn't be much of a problem... right?

He has been the best she has ever had for the past year. And she wouldn't halt it all just because Fred's curious.

She wouldn't drop him just because Fred was there.

Not anymore.

Not again.

After years and years of hidden heartache, not once did she felt... limited. Safe felt free whenever she was with Avi. There was always a way she could find comfort.

It was easy...


She mouthed an apology and Safe didn't even know the answer when he mouthed, 'what for?' back at her.


What was she apologizing for? It was her life. It was hers. Fred has nothing to do with how she lives it.

"If you start driving I may deem it amazing," Fred replied, leaning on the black leather seat as he watched Avi pull away from Safe after he buckled her seatbelt for her.

Avi choked a chuckle, "My bad. I had to make sure, Safe's secure."

Fred rolled his eyes, "Please, she can handle herself. She's a strong independent woman, aren't you love?" He pressed a hand on the back of Safe's seat, making sure the pressure went through to her back.

"We can never be too sure when it comes to milady." Avi retorted, starting up the engine with a machinery sound.

"Oh yeah, never be too sure when it comes to her. I've been here before and the beauty never faded. Always lovely and lickerish." Fred glanced over Safe. He couldn't stop feeling the sting inside of his chest.

Anger anger anger. Jealousy jealousy jealousy. However, a little spark inside of him made him cringe at Avi's existence, a small part of him still drove concern.

A low cleansed on Safe's throat as she fixed her attention outside. What a way to start a conversation. She thought to herself, preventing the urge to roll her eyes.

Safe was silent. From the little time Fred spent with her a year ago, he knew well enough that it wasn't the Safe he knows. He could see her discomfort through the side mirror of the car.

From the moment Fred pulled Safe close to him, he knew she still felt something for him.


The feeling was there. It was enough.

He never wanted to make her feel uncomfortable in any way but he couldn't be bothered to care much at the moment. Jealousy was still taking over. His biggest weakness still took over.

"Oh, is that so? When did you last visited?" Avi asked genuinely as he started the vehicle. His face was filled with excitement, he hasn't met many of Safe's friends and he knew they were all up in England. He found it as his chance to know more about the woman.

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