41 | Left Turn

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"Where is she?!" Fred shouted in Zeal's office. His hands slammed on the red oak desk, rocking the entire world that sat on top of it.

Zeal pursed his lips and clutched his hands together. "I told you, I don't know. Man, you're wasting time here. I have no idea where Cel's at." He reiterated for the nth time. He remained calm but deep inside he wanted to smack out Fred's head for being illogical most of the time.

Fred stood back up, resting his hands on his hips as he licked his lips in frustration. "I'm wasting time because you're not telling me. Please, for fucking sake, just tell me where she is." He desperately exclaimed, his eyes shut tight as he breathed raggedly.

He barged in at St. Mungo's after raiding the Phoenix manor. He was sweating badly, his hair soaked, and his breathing was out of control. Fred woke up alone on Safe's bed, her belongings were mostly there but she wasn't. She didn't come back or was never in the Phoenix-Chattox Manor when he woke up.

"Fred, sit down." Zeal demanded, standing up and walking around the desk with his arms crossed. He sat at the edge of his desk, waiting for the man to follow his command.

The man irritably sighed before obliging, sitting on the couch across the desk. "Do you know how much you've hurt her? Everything you've done had her going in orbits. This is getting out of hand. You're being stupid and that's something I can't not pry anymore. If my sister doesn't want to be around you, let her be. You always reside on the idea that she left you. Have you ever thought of the fact that you always caged her? You never set her free, let her be herself for once and stop being selfish." He lectured, staring him down intimidatingly.

He didn't lie about not knowing where Safe was but he also didn't mention how he could find it out for Fred in a matter of seconds. In the little time he spent with Safe, he knew how much she valued her privacy. He's heard of things about Harry but never did she mention anything about Fred or anyone else except her little brother. It was odd when he realized how much her circle of friends expanded in London but he wasn't about to grill her with unnecessary questions.

"You can lecture me all you want later, just tell me where Safeiarrah is. I can't— I can't lose her again." Fred buried his face in his textured hands, frustratingly sighing every moment he could.

The fear that he felt as soon as he opened his eyes lying alone on the mattress they shared hours prior. He knew the outcome of what happened the night before wouldn't be as good as the last time it happened but he at least expected her to stay until they screamed or argued their hearts out.

Zeal stared him down, thinking of ways he could end all of the discussion by calling guards in and taking Fred out of his office but the more he saw Fred huffed the more he thought of Safe's state of mind. She wasn't the type to take the first step. That he knew.

He walked back to his desk, pulling open the drawer on the left side of it. He fished a small cream card and went over to Fred. Zeal stood in front of him, gritting his teeth as hesitation began to creep inside of him. "This card leads to where she is, it's enchanted with strong magic. She customized it for herself. If she doesn't want you to know where she is you won't see a thing and even if I tell you myself, you'll only hear buzzes. Use it wisely and don't rush her. Knowing where she is does not mean you can barge in like what you did to me." He then pushed it on the back of Fred's hands that kept tangled with his hair.

No words were exchanged after that, Fred accepted the card with defeat, agony spreading from the center of his chest to his whole body. He saw nothing. It was blank. She didn't want him to know. She didn't want to see him.

Keeping his distance from Safeiarrah wasn't so hard, he had the chance to see her and be with her, or even exchange a few words if he was allowed. But Safe avoiding him was harder. She had her ways to not be seen, she was good at it. For all he knows she might've casted a spell to keep her out of his sight.

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