42 | Plan: Destruction

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"Remind me once again what my purpose here is?" Zeal asked as he swung the door of the shotgun seat open.

Safe gracefully stepped out of the car. "You're my partner in the new clinic I'm opening in this building. All you need to do is talk about paper and negotiation, while I talk about healing." She briefly explained, tucking strands of hair behind her right ear as she took it to the tall establishment in front of her.

Zeal's eyes widened as he blocked her vision with his shocked and confused expressions. "What?! What do you mean? This is Paris, Celeste." He exclaimed loudly, earning attention from other strangers that walked around the huge building.

"Thank you for stating the fact, Zeal. Now move out of my way before we get late for our appointment." She pushed him aside and began walking inside.

People were packing their stuff left and right, some bidding goodbye, whilst the others minded their own business in a small corner. "Cel, I don't understand what's happening. Why are you opening a Hospital here in France? You live in England-" He halted from walking and yanked Safe from walking. "You're leaving England?" He asked in a low voice.

She gave him a soft smile and brushed his arms off her. "It's time for me to branch out. I don't want to isolate myself under someone else. I don't want to be a prisoner by anything or anyone, a spell, a promise, or a lover. At least not anymore." She continued walking forward, gaining a few steps away from Zeal.

It wasn't just the hospital she meant and it was clear to both of them. "Is that your decision?" He asked, catching up to her as they approached the elevator.

Safe tilted her head down with the thinnest smile he's ever seen her make. "It should be." She mumbled quietly as her heart began to ache.

He grabbed his wand from his coat and casted a silent spell, stopping the small mobile from moving upwards. "Celeste. Tell me what the hell is going on. This doesn't make sense anymore. You and Fred are visibly showing us how messed up your relationship is at the moment but we're so anxious as to what made you two fall apart. We're not blind. We saw you two love each other. What's changed?" He pried, hoping that she wouldn't take any offense from him being nosy about her individual life.

"I took the risk of loving him for the rest of my life four years ago. I devoted myself to him with the belief that he will love me too. It's his turn. But he doesn't seem to find me worth the risk enough. Fred-" She licked her lower lip, biting the inside of it to keep her tears from falling. "He swore an unbreakable vow with Callixta. Whatever the vow was, it risked and still is risking his life. The life that I saved. So, yes, Zeal. This is my decision. I'm saving myself for once. And I know. This doesn't make any more sense than you attempt to understand. Fred and I. That's what changed. Now, please, no more interruptions. There's no time for this."

For the third time, Safe moved past him as the doors opened at the wave of her hand; with her chin up high, gracefully walking away as if nothing could hurt her anymore. As much as she wanted to pity herself, she had no time to waste.

She turned around after not feeling her escort's presence. "Zeal, allons-y." She gestured for him to start moving and he did as he was told.

"Did you tell him that this is your decision?" Questions coursing through his head couldn't be stopped from flowing. He saw her happy. He saw her finally be herself. He thought she was free from all the pain.

Safeiarrah took a deep breath as Zeal held the handle towards the meeting room. "I will." She replied and stepped in the room with a different, brighter demeanor.


Rox gripped on the counter as she stretched away from it. She looked over at Fred who's carrying a box, disorientedly restocking the wrong shelf. "George." She silently called, nudging George who was counting the money on her side.

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