27 | Best Honours

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⚠️Depiction of drugs, alcohol, sex, gore⚠️

▶️The Burrow, 11:41 PM▶️

Back of a hand wiped off the thin layer of sweat on their forehead. "No, place it down there!" Ron ordered out of frustration. It was his and Hermione's wedding the next day, and the tent caught on fire.

All the men casted aguamenti to kill the blaze but the damage was too much, they wouldn't be able to hold the wedding. They were now grabbing stuff that was still useful, yet the disappointment was getting to him and losing his calm.

Hermione watched from inside the Burrow, tears rapidly falling. "I'm never getting married." She stated as she sniffed. Safe exchanged sympathetic looks with Ginny and Rox as she brushed Hermione's forearms in comfort.

"Don't you dare say that. Come on, we'll figure something out." She attempted to assure her. Mrs. Weasley came in from the kitchen with a tray of mugs and a teapot.

She met eyes with Safe and nodded for them to bring Hermione over as she placed the tray on the small table in the living room. "Hermione, dear, come and grab some tea with me." Molly called with a soft voice.

The woman turned around, arms hugging herself. "No. This was all my fault. If I didn't crave for some stupid fireworks show this wouldn't have happened. I'm so stupid!" She sobbed louder, burying her face into her hands.

Hermione and Ron went out to light up fireworks to her content, and unfortunately, one of it fell close to the tent and ate it as quickly as the speed of light.

Gold Hotel, 4:03 PM

"She said number 603, Ronald." Hermione uttered for the nth time. She and Ron have been arguing about the room number of Roxette's hotel room. She invited everyone for a welcoming dinner and also to celebrate Hermione and Ron's night before their wedding.

"Love, I swear to Godric, she said 604." He defended, calming her down. She was beginning to stress out about the topic, yet both stood in the middle of the hall.

None wanted to knock and clarify whoever was right. "Okay, knock on 604 then, go on." She fizzled, arms crossing. She squinted her eyes at him, nodding towards the door.

He looked at her glaring eyes, gulping from the realization that he had no choice but to obliged or else she would give him her pregnant wrath. He walked close to the door and knock three times.

The door opened and Harry peeked out the door. "Harry!" He cheered, turning to Hermione with a triumphant smirk. "Told you it" He didn't have the chance to finish his sentence after being pulled by Harry inside.

"See you, 'Mione." Harry exclaimed with a smile and slammed the door closed.

She uncrossed her arms and stood straight with bewildered eyes. "See you? Harry! Open the" A hand placed gently on her left shoulder. "Safe, thank goodness you're here. They closed the door." She snitched, as if Safe was her mother.

Safe only chuckled and linked their arms together. She led them to the door across. "Safeiarrah, the door is that way. Didn't you see me knock on it? Harry and Ron just got inside." Hermione pointed.

The woman ignored her whines and opened the door. "Surprise!" Rox, Ginny, Hannah, Luna, and Parvati exclaimed with glee as Ginny and Parvati popped the confetti above Hermione.

Up beat music began to play and the lights flashed in different colors, almost as if they were inside a bar. With her hands that covered her mouth Hermione stood in shock and excitement. "Just because you're not allowed to drink, doesn't mean you're not allowed to party." Safe said and led her in the room as she closed the door.

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