26 | Two Minutes

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⚠️WARNING: Sexual content⚠️


"Watch it— oh..." Rox fizzled when someone bumped her from the back while she stood on the line to pick up her lunch and after she found out who the nitwit was.

Cedric's eyes flickered with guilt and he gulped from the short spark of side-eye she gave him. "I'm... I'm sorry." He began panicking and looked away from her.

Her heart ached from his refusal to at least acknowledge her properly. Irritation flowed through her veins. He can't at least apologize properly? Does he really hate me that much? She thought to herself. She scoffed and pushed him aside to walk out of the resto.

"Wait—" He turned to the staff who called out his name and raised his takeout. "I'll come back, give me a second." He was about to walk out to follow her but he turned a second time and went to the counter. "On second thought, can you prepare that lady's order as well?" He said, glancing at the entrance multiple times, hoped that she would come back.

Roxette walked heavily past the crowd in Diagon. "Git. Can't even look at me. Who the hell apologizes while he looks away? Looking down may have been reasonable, but looking away? Unbelievable!" She mumbled to herself. Eyes hooded. She sniffed once and sighed deeply. "Whatever." She said out loud to herself, confusing the random people who heard her.

She stopped and took a deep breath. A hoot caught her attention, a barn owl that had all brown feathers looked at her intriguedly. Rox walked closer and squatted down to admire the caged owl. The owl then turned its head away from her.

A frown emerged from her lips. "You're going to ignore me too? You're just as rude as that foul git." She said and pushed herself up. She dusted her trousers off, straightening the small crease on it.

"Hey— uhm." A man mumbled loud enough for her to hear, but also too loud to scare her. She jumped from shock and had a hand on her chest as she calmed herself down. Cedric stood with his left hand at the back of his head and the other carried two bags of food, from the smell that reeked to her nose, it was clearly his lunch.

"What do you want?" She crossed her arms and looked away from him. Her disappointment still held in heart. Someone bumped Cedric and he almost knocked her down if she didn't have good reflexes.

Eyes met in a seemingly awkward slow motion. Roxette pushed him off her, creating a respectful gap between them. "I just wanted to apologize... I didn't mean to bump you, twice." He said, his gaze did not move out of her. She's mad. How am I supposed to tell her, now? He thought to himself.

Rapid regret rose as she felt his eyes fixated on her visage, feeling uncomfortable from his stares. Alright, now I want him to look away. This is uncomfortable. She thought to herself as heat rushed up her cheeks. "It's okay. I need to go back to work." She said and turned around only to be pulled back by Cedric.

His grip immediately loosened once she turned around with irritated visage. "Your lunch." He held one of the bags towards her, head still down low. "I really am sorry... Roxie." He mumbled.

Her eyes widened for theshe couldn't remember how manytimes. Goosebumps sneaked through her skin, peach fuzz stood up. "How did you—" She muttered and took a step back, almost getting knocked down for the third time in a span of ten minutes.

Rox wasn't a clumsy woman but at that moment all she was, was a confused lady, facing her long term crush as he called her a name she doesn't usually let people utter so easily. Only Draco and her parents used to call her that way, well just her parents now, but how?

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