bakugo katsuki | ⛈⚠

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prompt: doing her best to stay awake, y/n risks it all. [3/3]
category: angst + trigger warning
trigger warning: gore
character: bakuhoe thotsuki
word count: 1431

Y/N CLOSED HER EYES, leaning her head against the ice wall. Her eyes were screwed shut in pain, the fire licking at every tip of her finger as it crawled up her palms. Of course, there were no more fingers for it to flame upon. That's what it took from her; the temperature regulator was something meant to keep her alive.

She knew that once she dismantled it, it would alert headquarters. It was almost pathetic. How could you be told to rescue other stranded people if you get yourself stranded? It was almost ironic; sending a girl that was known to set fire for everything near her when she was too angry with a hot-headed man who'd get her more irate than ever.

Her lips pulled into a small smile. Yet, here he was lying near her looking more angelic than ever; almost a direct contrast of his devilish personality paired with his mischievous smirk. She had always looked up to him: his fighting spirit, his competitiveness, his determination. They were all traits she admired, things she lacked.

Y/n would always be too scared to take daring risks and blew up a little too quickly for her own good. She was never too good at having the determination to go through something recklessly, even if it meant saving someone's life. In fact, this had to be the most reckless thing she had ever done.

Risking your life for some dude you never got along with anyway? It was laughable.

A small giggle left her lips at the thought, the heat of the flames licking away the pain that spread throughout her skin. By now, she was sure that at least her right hand was gone, and it would be a while till anyone came to rescue her. Will there be anything to remember me by? Y/n had come to terms with death a long time ago.

She had always imagined dying while sleeping, her loved ones panicking in the morning when she didn't shoot awake. However, it seemed to be the exact opposite. Here she was, sitting in an icy cave, killing herself so that the boy beside her lived. It seemed like the world always turned the tables before she could process what was going on.

"What are you laughing about?" There he was. Bakugo Katsuki was awake, his form hunched over as he sat up. He glanced at the girl and then back at the jacket he had laid his head on, a small "thank you" leaving him. She merely smiled warmly in return, making sure to hide her 'hand' enough for Bakugo to not catch sight of the burning skin.

Instead, all he saw was the flames drifting into the air.

Maybe he'll remember me though, yeah? Her brows furrowed as her lips parted, wanting to have at least one meaningful conversation before she passed. "Hey, Bakugo," The blond whirled his head towards her at the question, his eyes diverting from the pretty icicles that hung from the top of the cave to her.

"Why didn't we ever get along?"

The blond lamely shrugged and a dry laugh left her. A burning feeling filled her lungs, smoke infiltrating as her breaths became even more bait. Still, she hid it expertly. "I don't know either. I always admired you. You're really determined and reckless. . . but it's admirable. You're really, really cool." She grinned.

Bakugo grew flustered by the compliments but merely retorted with an insult. "You're just sounding like that damn Deku right now." The red in her cheeks grew, her blood starting to heat up. Y/n felt like she was in a sweltering oven, sweat coating her skin. "I guess, yeah? That just means he saw your coolness too."

She chuckled this time and he couldn't help but grin at her too. "You're not that shitty either. You manage to stay calm and collected, even if the situation's at it worse. I guess your patience doesn't make you that fucking stupid." Bakugo said. Although his words were harsh, Y/n felt her heart flutter at his tone.

"Do you think if we had gotten along, things would've been different?"

"That's a dumb fucking question."

"It's just a question."

"Well, it's stupid."

Bakugo made sure to get the last word before he heaved in a breath. "I think so. You're better than that fucking Icy-Hot that's for sure. It'd be easier to work with you." His brow twitched at the idea of Todoroki's utter denseness. One time Bakugo had told him to duck and that dual-haired boy had thought there was an actual duck.

The only thing that saved him that day happened to be Uraraka's wonderful timing, her gravity briefly saving him from getting his head smashed into a stop sign. "I think we would've worked together well too." Y/n let out a sigh, unable to hide the side effects of her hard quirk as she turned her head to cough harshly.

Bakugo immediately looked at her with a worried glint in his eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Y/n shook her head, swallowing the warm liquid that crept up her throat, threatening to paint the ground all over again. "Just go back to sleep. I'll sleep in a bit, promise." He nodded innocently, laying his head down on the jacket. He wasn't sure if it was the utter cold, her soothing words, or the warmth that coated the air, but he found himself falling asleep faster.

When he woke up, she was gone. He had shot awake, a slight tinge of smoke in the air as he sat up at the sound of footsteps nearing the cave. "Y/n?" He called out, confused as he hurried to grab his things. There were voices echoing near the mountain, the howling winds and flurries of snow dissipated enough for him to hear them clearly.

"She left her collar," He muttered, grabbing her jacket and her collar before hauling ass to the front of the cave. Figuring that Y/n had already made her way down the mountain with the help of others, he peeked outside. "Shitty Deku?" He blinked in surprise, the green-haired boy peering into the cave the same time Bakugo had looked out.

"The rescue team just got here, are you and L/n safe?" Midoriya asked, confused before sharply inhaling at the sight of Bakugo holding the last of her things. His eyes softened as Bakugo looked at him confusedly, about to respond with something stupid. "Let's just go down the mountain," He muttered, not wasting a second.

Bakugo grew confused, but let his friend drag him down the snowy hill anyway. His boots skidded to a stop at the end, eyes wide at the sight of multiple black-suited people huddled near vans with others wearing the same attire. "They're searching the mountain for the hikers." Bakugo looked at him, "Where's Y/n?"

Midoriya just gave him a sad smile. He knew what that collar was for; everyone that was close with Y/n knew. It seemed like Bakugo didn't have the slightest idea though, they hadn't known each other like that. "Stay here," He merely said, watching as paramedics went to his childhood friend and patched him up, getting him warm slowly.

"Bakugo Katsuki," A man in all black with a thick mustache suddenly greeted him, accompanied by Deku who stood beside him. "It seems you are unaware of the use of L/n Y/n's collar." He swallowed before speaking, "By dismantling the collar, an emergency signal activated which was what brought us here. It's meant to regulate her temperature."

"In certain cases, her quirk activates when she's emotional. That collar, in order to combat the sudden heat, releases a chill over her in order to bring her back to her normal body temperature. If that collar wasn't there, she has the potential to burn herself alive. With that in mind, was L/n using her fire?"

Bakugo froze, a ringing feeling in his ears at the realization. He had ignored her file; the one file that could've told him everything about her collar. He remembered the scent of the flames, the reassuring look in her eyes as her fire lit up the cave that they resided in. His eyes glazed over and he swallowed.

He could've kept her alive.

His voice was hoarse, cold lips parting to answer the dangerous question.


wanted to clear these out so i can stock up for fluffentine's lol.

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