kirishima eijiro | ☁

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prompt: a sudden impulse leads to kirishima's girlfriend dragging him out for a night of stargazing.
category: fluff
character: kirishima eijirowo
word count: 571

"C'MON! KEEP UP!" She yelled, suddenly racing forward as his grip on her hand loosened, small pants leaving his lips as he raced to keep up. He swore quietly, nearly tripping over his own shoe as he caught up to her on a grass-covered hill. "Y/n, we're going to get caught," Eijiro warned, walking down the hill carefully.

She was already a few steps ahead, plopping down in the middle of the hill as she looked over her shoulder to grin at him cheekily. "It's fine, Eiji," She reassured, using the nickname that she'd given him back in middle school. The two had just escaped Heights Alliance after Y/n had texted him to come to her room and then proceeded to jump out the window.

It wasn't any secret that Y/n wasn't the typical S-class girlfriend, but Eijiro wouldn't trade her for the world. "Aizawa's going to have our heads," He grumbled, sitting down reluctantly. As much as he didn't want to get trouble in the middle of the night, he also didn't want to leave his girlfriend alone; it definitely wasn't a manly thing to do.

The two sat in silence for a while, his gaze falling onto her hands as she picked at tufts of grass on the hill, occasionally ripping out strands only to toss them a few inches away. Her eyes locked onto his and she grinned, patting her lap. A smile shaped his lips and he got the message, dropping his head onto her lap as her hands weaved through his unspiked hair.

"You know," Y/n started as he stared at her, quirking a brow in a curious manner. "I like your hair better like this." Kirishima blinked, letting out a sigh at the sensation of her fingertips massaging his scalp and running through the roots of his dyed hair. It felt absolutely amazing to him. "Oh yeah?" He hummed, a yawn already creeping up his throat.

She nodded, humming softly in return as his eyes fluttered open again, an attempt to keep himself awake. The girl looked down at him once before gasping dramatically, "I completely forgot why I even took you here in the first place!" The redhead sat up, rolling his shoulders before turning to stare at her. "You had a reason?"

He had simply figured it was one of her impulsive decisions, not something that she had a valid reason behind. "Mhm! Look at the stars!" His heart fluttered at her childish expression, a pointer finger raised to the sky as he turned to look at what she was gazing at. The stars sparkled, probably shaping multiple constellations that she could easily name, but he was clueless about.

Just as he figured, names of constellations seemed to roll off her tongue with ease as his heart pitter-pattered at the sound of her voice, his head slowly lowering back onto her lap again. Her hands instinctively went to his hair again as she kept talking, still not stopping as she listed off different constellations and their origin.

She only noticed when she heard soft snores coming from her lap, her head turning to see an asleep Kirishima. With loving eyes and an equally adoring smile, his girlfriend brushed the hair out of his eyes and kissed his forehead, looking out towards the sky in the hopes of a brighter day ahead.

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