todoroki shoto | 💕

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prompt: with a rainy start to their morning, the couple decides to spend it in their bed.
category: fluffentine's 
character: king of daddy issues
word count: 1192

Y/N SHIFTED HER BODY, the sheets scrunching against her skin. It moved away painfully, exposing some of her figure to the cold air that filled the room. She didn't hesitate to reach for her boyfriend's hand, promptly moving it to her stomach. A small mumble slipped past her lips, a noise of complaint following. "Warmth," She demanded.

The boy grumbled, reluctantly activating his quirk as the heat of his left hand radiated from her torso to the rest of her limbs. He cracked an eye open, still half-asleep. "How did you know I was awake?" Todoroki could see her ears twitch, his brain temporarily forgetting her quirk. Her ears moved like a bat's and worked the same, a weak variation of a bat quirk.

"I heard your blood pump faster," She said tiredly, her ears twitching again. Y/n wasn't incredibly sensitive to sounds, but she could hone in on particular noises when she wished. Todoroki's brows furrowed and he pulled her closer to him. "You were hogging the blanket the entire night," He complained quietly into her ear.

They had been living together for nearly fifteen months now, but he still wasn't used to her odd behaviors. Y/n squirmed, growing ticklish at the feeling of his breath fanning against the shell of her ear. "I asked for warmth, not ASMR." She quietly retorted, only for him to sassily revoke his hand from her torso.

Y/n gasped, her eyes shooting open as cold flooded her skin. Along with taking his hand back, he had rolled over and taken the sheets with him too. Y/n whirled around, slamming her fists into his back playfully. She watched as he flexed his back muscles, nearly make her grow flustered. "Todoroki Shoto, you little shi—"

He turned to face her in an instant, their faces just centimeters apart as a burst of red flooded her face. "Watch your words, love," Todoroki said, his voice soft. He ran his thumb against her bottom lip, smiling cheekily when she gulped at the sensation. Y/n subconsciously leaned into the touch.

"Good morning," She awkwardly responded.

Todoroki smiled, chuckling softly. "Good morning to you too."

He stared at her with an adoring gaze, watching as her ears twitched again. He pressed his fingers against her cheek, sliding them down affectionately. Y/n was more than accepting of his gentle gestures, closing her eyes as a small hum left her lips. "Is the rain bothering you?" Todoroki finally asked, the drumming outside of their apartment resounding loudly.

Y/n winced, her brain subconsciously tuning into the sound of the droplets that panged against their windows and roof. "A little bit," She admitted sheepishly, eyes squeezing shut as he sighed. He pulled her closer to him, her head instinctively nuzzling into his chest for a sense of comfort. He smiled at her expression, feeling gratified.

No matter how many times she did it, it always made him happy to know that she found comfort in him; despite her surplus of comfort songs, shows, and even foods (Todoroki didn't really understand the latter). "Do you need your earmuffs?" He made sure to speak quietly, not wanting to bother her more than mother nature already had.

Y/n's ears twitched, his fingers rubbing against the shell of ears gently. "No, I think I'll be fine." She always had a pair of earmuffs on hand in case the noise was too much. And since Todoroki loved her so much, he had kept a pair in his nightstand as well. "Alright," He set a hand behind her head, kissing the top of her head.

Her nose brushed against his skin, moving in the space between his collarbones. "I'm hungry," She suddenly spoke, her breath fanning against his chest. He grew flustered, but made no movements, staying still as his much warmer hand pressed on the cloth that covered her lower back, spreading heat throughout her body.

"But I don't feel like getting up." Y/n groaned, complaining.

Todoroki had learned over the years that there was commonly a 'but' after Y/n's statements of wanting something; that's why he kept his mouth shut and listened first before responding. "I can order something," He offered, glancing at his phone that had been off the entire time. Todoroki squinted slightly before realizing he hadn't even plugged it in.

He sighed, realizing their mission for breakfast entailed more effort than they thought. "Wait a second," Todoroki mumbled, momentarily pulling away from her. Immediately, a whine left her throat at the abrupt absence of his warmth, her hands already making grabby motions at him. His arm muscles flexed, tensing as he slipped his charger into his phone.

He rolled over right after, slipping back into the same position that he had just moved out of. "You're such a baby," Todoroki clicked his tongue. Throughout the months of dating her, he had gradually picked up her teasing attitude. Y/n rolled her eyes, raising her finger to tap it against his nose cutely.

"Your baby," She piped up, a childish smile on her face.

Shoto took one look at her, instantly caving at her adorableness from the look in her eyes. "Yeah, my baby," His deep voice rang out, his arms hugging her closer to his chest, if that was even possible. Y/n closed her eyes, relaxing against her lover. For a few minutes, they just laid there, her eyes watching his chest rise and fall rhythmically.

She kissed his collarbone to catch his attention, his head instantly dipping down at the ticklish sensation. "Is your phone charged yet?" There was a whining tone to her voice and he chuckled softly. If he didn't order the food at this point, she'd probably fall back asleep. "It probably is," Todoroki swiftly detached his phone from the charger, asking her quietly what she wanted.

Soon enough, the order was finished and he set his phone back on his nightstand again. "C'mere," Todoroki mumbled, tugging her close to him again only to press a kiss to the top of her head. Y/n whined, seeming insistent to get out of his arms. "What if the food comes?" He raised a brow at her, swiftly tilting her chin up so they locked eyes.

"You'll hear the footsteps even if you're asleep," He commented, cocking his head to the side teasingly. "Unless you're distracted?" Her face bloomed into a bright red. She sputtered, shaking her head adamantly. Although the idea sounded enticing, she wasn't exactly euphoric about the idea of the delivery guy being scarred by their. . . noises.

"That's what I thought," He hummed at her response, a small smirk on his lips before he lovingly pecked her lips. She returned the quick kiss, pouting when he didn't linger long enough. "You'll get more kisses later, but after the food arrives." Y/n gasped dramatically, punching his chest. If she were to use her actual strength, she would've broken a few ribs.

"You cheater!"

"I ordered the food; don't bite the hand that feeds you."


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